IMDB makes image stuck because of a skin element missing?


Staff member
Usually, we know that plugins' issue need to be reported to plugins' authours but it seems that the issue I'm having is related to a missing element on the skin, based on the debug log.
This is the issue: all of a sudden, without any new image updates (5.1.008 was updated in my Ultimo4K on 1st Aug) and although I almost everydy use IMDB search, now, all of a sudden, after launching a search, it finds the title and display its infos but then it's impossible to do anything: the box gets stuck and I need to reboot by telnet or by switching it off.
The debug log shows, as said, a missing element in skin (EclipseFire, my preferred skin).

Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? Why all of a sudden and without any new updates?
May you have a look at this odd fact?
I tried 3 times with different searches.

Attached the debug log.


I would try to change skin and put for example that of defoult to check if the problem is present with that too ... If it disappears then it is certain that it is due to the EclipseFire skin otherwise you will have to look elsewhere ...
Yes, I did even more:
1) I uninstalled IMDB and reinstalled it.
2) I tried another MX skin (HQ9W).
3) I tried also the Emergency one (where you can't even read the searching result, but this doesn't matter),

but I always get stuck. Can anyone do the same try with this plugin?
Otherwise it must be something got wrong in the file "settings".
As I said, the very odd thing is that the issue did not appear after an update but all of a sudden: I use it everyday and I had already used under .008.
Otherwise I wouldn't say it was so strange. A try but other user would be appreciated to find a different solution to my problem.
... the student who tries to help the teacher ...
I would do two more tests:
-since you have 4 vu decoders I would try if the problem also occurs on the
-and given that on one or more decoders you have the BH image in OMB, I would try if the problem arises with this image too
I confirm... I stop having OpenWebif and only restart by telnet to Enigma2. As I stop having Openwebif I put a photo: the box is looking for the cover:


Discharging Movie Cover: https: //

Tested in a Uno 4K SE, with OBH 5.1.008 > I can test in the Duo 4K or Octagon SF8008, but it must be the same.
I confirm... I stop having OpenWebif and only restart by telnet to Enigma2. As I stop having Openwebif I put a photo: the box is looking for the cover:

Tested in a Uno 4K SE, with OBH 5.1.008 > I can test in the Duo 4K or Octagon SF8008, but it must be the same.

Openwebif??? We are talking about IMDB: did you mean IMDB?
... the student who tries to help the teacher ...
I would do two more tests:
-since you have 4 vu decoders I would try if the problem also occurs on the
-and given that on one or more decoders you have the BH image in OMB, I would try if the problem arises with this image too
At the moment the only other box of mine equipped by 5.1 is the Solo4K, where I can't immediately try the issue for other reasons...
I'll do, as soon as possible, a different try: I'll flash by a previous backup and test there.
Openwebif??? We are talking about IMDB: did you mean IMDB?
I writing portuguese writing well, already english I try... Do you think I don't know what each one is?

What I wrote is that with the locking provoked by IMDB I am without Openwebif...
So, apart from OWIF issue, you confirm the problem, don't you?
In my case, is not the searching time the problem: it takes few as before. But after.... evrything gets stuck.
The IMDB is not working in OBH 4.4.023 either... Search and find nothing, but does not block the box.
It's the same with MSN... Something has changed and only gives the current day information (in LCD4Linux).
I don't know if that's what you're talking about but I wanted to do some tests with IMDB and this is what I found out:
From the page of the EPG I positioned myself on the channel that interests me, 20mediaset, I pressed the red for "Search in IMDB"

Non so se è di questo che parlate ma ho voluto fare qualche prova con IMDB e questo è quanto mi è risultato:
Dalla pagine dell'EPG mi sono posizionato sul canale che mi interessa, 20mediaset, ho premuto il rosso per "Cerca in IMDB"


When the list of films with similar titles appeared, I selected one and gave OK

Quando è apparso l'elenco dei film con titolo simile ne ho selezionato uno e dato OK


Then the last window appeared with the plot of the film I had selected but there it was and there it remained, remote control blocked and no key responds, even webif, and here I reconnect to what zeberil claimed, it no longer responds and you can't save the screenshots anymore because he died too with the spinner spinning endlessly after trying to reload his page.
After several attempts I managed to take the screen but then everything froze again and the only way to regain possession of the decoder was to hard-restart from the button behind.
Same if I do the research from the plugin itself.

Dopodiché è apparsa l'ultima finestra con la trama del film che avevo selezionato ma lì era e lì è rimasto, telecomando bloccato e nessun tasto risponde, anche webif, e qui mi collego a quanto sosteneva zeberil, non risponde più e non si riesce più a salvare gli screenshots perchè è morto anche lui con lo spinner che gira all'infinito dopo il tentativo di ricaricare la sua pagina.
Dopo diversi tentativi sono riuscito a prendere lo screen ma poi si è nuovamente bloccato tutto e l'unico modo per riprendere possesso del decoder è il riavvio dal pulsante dietro.
Stessa cosa se la ricerca la faccio dal plugin.

EDIT: remember I have a Octagon SF8008
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On further tests I think I found out that it is not stucked but it just sometimes takes a long time to give the final result in the last window but it's hard to know what's going on as there is no spinner on screen and you can easely think it's stuck. So just wait a bit.

Dopo ulteriori test penso di aver scoperto che non è bloccato, ma a volte ci vuole molto tempo per dare il risultato finale nell'ultima finestra, ma è difficile sapere cosa sta succedendo perché non c'è lo spinner sullo schermo e si pensa sia in blocco, quindi tocca solo aspettare un po'.
However it doesn't always work, it often crashes and you can wait forever but nothing happens and you'll have to use the magic button.

Comunque non sempre funziona, spesso si impianta e puoi aspettare l'eternità che non succederà niente e devi usare il bottone.
Yes, it's like you said but it had never been like that before, until a few days ago. Buy, Ev0 already explained the reason: as soon as possible I'll open an issue on GitHub IMDB's rep.