iptables Kernel Modules missing


New member
I'm new with OBH, just installed newest Version for my uno 4k se Box.
Every thing looks fine and works after some problems with the proxy-settings. On my older Boxes I edited the /etc/opkg/opkg.conf for updates and installing Plugins, here it's the /etc/wgetrc file.
Also the oscam settings are in /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest folder to run my KabelBW-card.

The only thing I can't fix is iptables. There are a lot of modules to config rules, but the kernel-modules are not present, so I cannot start iptables.
Here is the list of missing kernel-modules from the install log:

Install Package: iptables-apply

iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-ip-tables
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-ip6-tables
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-ip6table-filter
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-ipt-masquerade
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-iptable-filter
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-iptable-nat
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nf-conntrack
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nf-conntrack-ipv4
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nf-defrag-ipv4
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nf-nat
iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-x-tables
Breaking circular dependency on iptables for iptables-module-xt-standard.

Behind a FW that blocks port 80 iptables is the only way I know to connect outgoing traffic to a transparent proxy for using plugins

Is there any chance to get them?
Is this a part of the OBH-Image or is it from vu+?

I'm only a simple user, maybe someone can help me.


I know... some iptables modules are missing... the kernel configuration come from the vuplus defaults. All oe-alliance based images should have the same issue.

In the past i added something but probably some module is still missing. The boxes arent developed to act as a router so nobody paid so much attention to that.

If you feel confident you can create a pull request on oe-alliance github and in next build of openbh you should find the missing modules
Thank‘s for your answer but I don‘t know how to do this.

I tested to build an image in a Ubuntu-VM on my mac but get lot of errors failed fetching.
it is not so easy to handle proxy-settings, little snitch and then a Firewall that blocks most of all.

I tried to fetch the blocked packages via an Laptop. That works most but not all. One example is libxmlccwrap, the src-uri in the bb-file is dead.

there are some more problems to get an first working image so I stoped going on.

sorry about my worst english, it‘s some decades ago i learned it.
