Jump/Seek with Digit buttons not working

Using the digits on the remote control to forward (3,6,9) or rewind (1,4,7) does not appear to work with exteplayer3/gstplayer. I have serviceapp installed. It apparently works when you use neither of those two. I have tried toggling the setting on/off in 'Menu/Setup/User Interface/Quick Options Setup/Enable VOD Skip Buttons' but it has no effect.

Box = Zgemma H11.S
Image = OpenBh 5.1.004

Is this a bug or am I missing a setting?

You can't use the skip buttons with exteplayer3 or gstplayer

IIRC you can use the << Rewind / Fast Forward >> buttons though (might be the left / right buttons pressing and holding) to seek.
Completely different box / chipset, the zgemma uses servicehisilicon so some functions are different in serviceapp.

But I don't recall if it works or not on vu+ boxes, as not used iptv in a long time.