It installs to FLASH if you launch Kodi on enigma2 before mounting an external hdd or usb as /media/hdd.
Do that above, then the .kodi folder will store in /media/hdd/.kodi (view by allowing hidden files in ftp)
Kodi 16.1 RC is based on older branch images i.e OpenBlackHole 0.6, OpenATV 5.3, OpenVIX 4.2 series, Kodi 17 is now on new branch OE 4.0 which is OpenATV 6.0, OpenVIX 5.0, OpenBlackHole 1.0 (self compiled in Ubuntu with no feeds)
Kodi 17 is alot better than the Kodi 16.1 RC, it allows for more playback, doesn't lack HLS support and pretty much every addon works fine.
If sticking with Kodi 16.1 RC, then don't install build, install add on by addon seperate as it does have limtations, where as Kodi 17, plays alot more.
On my vuuno4k, my own library is rapid..
A worthy addition to an enigma2 box if you know what to do and what to expect.
Do that above, then the .kodi folder will store in /media/hdd/.kodi (view by allowing hidden files in ftp)
Kodi 16.1 RC is based on older branch images i.e OpenBlackHole 0.6, OpenATV 5.3, OpenVIX 4.2 series, Kodi 17 is now on new branch OE 4.0 which is OpenATV 6.0, OpenVIX 5.0, OpenBlackHole 1.0 (self compiled in Ubuntu with no feeds)
Kodi 17 is alot better than the Kodi 16.1 RC, it allows for more playback, doesn't lack HLS support and pretty much every addon works fine.
If sticking with Kodi 16.1 RC, then don't install build, install add on by addon seperate as it does have limtations, where as Kodi 17, plays alot more.
On my vuuno4k, my own library is rapid..
A worthy addition to an enigma2 box if you know what to do and what to expect.