New problem

The developers of Enigma put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of their time trying to help the users, but some, like this person, try to use their efforts to sell it to other people. Shame on him for selling subscriptions in order to have access to skins and other free services (like EPGs, skins, and scripts...)
this person ( mosad ) is the reason I reached for this skin and donated the money to get it
The developers of Enigma put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of their time trying to help the users, but some, like this person, try to use their efforts to sell it to other people. Shame on him for selling subscriptions in order to have access to skins and other free services (like EPGs, skins, and scripts...)
You don’t have to pay and subscribe as simple as this. He is already putting an effort to make everything better and easy for his customers. Geve me one thing is free and he selling it!. Be a hero and help us for free. Me and a lot of users asking for free skin with awesome graphics and supporting extrevent + we want ip audio for free + all channels epg and pic. Updates channels list. I’m using BH image my device is vu+ 4k se. Help me before i pay to him!
Btw I got the skin from this forum after donating and the link was shared by mosad
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Where did you get this lie ? I am with him on his group, and he did not publish or market the skin that you falsely claim to be selling. All the man does is advertising the skin and refraining from donating to the team to obtain it and to encourage the team and all the work it does.
Where did you get this lie? I am with him on his group, and he did not publish or market the skin that you falsely claim to be selling. All the man does is advertising the skin and refraining from donating to the team to obtain it and to encourage the team and all the work it does.
The developers of Enigma put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of their time trying to help the users, but some, like this person, try to use their efforts to sell it to other people. Shame on him for selling subscriptions in order to have access to skins and other free services (like EPGs, skins, and scripts...)
The developers of Enigma put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of their time trying to help the users, but some, like this person, try to use their efforts to sell it to other people. Shame on him for selling subscriptions in order to have access to skins and other free services (like EPGs, skins, and scripts...)
Where did you get this information from?
what is your evidence
The man is the one who brought me to this group and made me donate
He helps us all. What did you do?
Shame on you. You buy skins and epg for newbies and come here asking me to help.

What is wrong with you ? What do you mean by “you buy” ?!!
No body in the world can force anybody to pay or buy, if you used to get free services, simply stay there.
Enigma society is well-known and its high impact members also well-known.
If you are greedy and looking for paid services for free, seek it anywhere else.
btw Mosad did not accept donations, he provides multi-services in handy prices, and even for free sometimes.
Donations to obh is not obligatory, only donators would get some extra benefits, so it is your choice to help developers, who is providing images, updates, feeds, skins for free!!
The developers of Enigma put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of their time trying to help the users, but some, like this person, try to use their efforts to sell it to other people. Shame on him for selling subscriptions in order to have access to skins and other free services (like EPGs, skins, and scripts...)
Lie, he is the one who told us about the skin and he encourages us to donate.
يبذل مطورو Enigma الكثير من الجهد ويقضون الكثير من وقتهم في محاولة مساعدة المستخدمين، لكن البعض، مثل هذا الشخص، يحاولون استخدام جهودهم لبيعها لأشخاص آخرين. عار عليه بيع الاشتراكات من أجل الوصول إلى الأسطح والخدمات المجانية الأخرى (مثل دليل البرامج الإلكتروني والجلود والبرامج النصية...)
لماذا تكذب على الأخ مساعد؟ لا يبيع جلد بل على العكس يدعو الجميع للتبرع والحصول علي عبر الواتساب والفيسبوك.. أنت كذاب.. حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيك.
This person ( mosad ) has the highest morals and announced in the group that anyone who wants a skin should donate to the site so that they can send him a skin .
The developers of Enigma put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of their time trying to help the users, but some, like this person, try to use their efforts to sell it to other people. Shame on him for selling subscriptions in order to have access to skins and other free services (like EPGs, skins, and scripts...)
Not true
amine2010 said:
The developers of Enigma put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of their time trying to help the users, but some, like this person, try to use their efforts to sell it to other people. Shame on him for selling subscriptions in order to have access to skins and other free services (like EPGs, skins, and scripts...)

افتراء وكذل على الاخ مشعل ابو مساعد
يا شين الرجل لم يكذب يستحقرونه جميع الاجناس لكذبه علشان ما عطاك شغله ببلاش تكذب ما هو كفايه سرقة اعمال الراجل وتنسبها لك ؟ في جميع المواقع من الفيس بوك انته واشكالك الكذبين
I am member at Musaad group, and he did not publish or ask any money for the skin which you claimed he is selling it , Musaad just announced about the skin and asked members to donate to the team to get the skin - and he always encouraged members to donate to the team and maximize there work .
