no epg on SAORVIEW terrestial except for sky news image ver 5.3.001


Just updated Uno4kse to 5.3 and have noticed that EPG for DTT SAORVIEW will only load for one channel!! EPG IS ok for Sat channels.

Any simple fix or is it a case of re-flash??

Have you checked all the options, in the EPG menu? I noticed that freesat, on 28.2E, only had a now, and next, display, until you switched on the option, in the EPG menu options. There are a few other options, which are automatically set to Off, but I can't remember what they are.
Have you also checked the EPG download options, in the plugin menu downloads?
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SAORVIEW is a bit weird in that that the epg is transmitted with the programs so all you do is tune to say RTE One wait and epg populates. I am using a USB Sony Play TV with the correct driver. As you will gather its not my biggest worry!! Late replying.

But I did as you suggested and ran everything and bingo epg import worked so thank you.