No picture at 2160p setting

I'm also using OpenBh 5.3.
It's at the bottom of the second page, you need to scroll down, until you locate it.
I personally have it set to the maximum delay, of 20 seconds, as I accidentally press a numerical key, quite often, and the time delay allows me to stop the action, of changing channel.
User Interface.jpgChannel Selection.jpgzap key delay.jpg
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Now I have made it work with 2160p setting as well.
What I find is that it is a better picture (sharper) when I use 1080p.
Are there any special settings that I should make when using 2160p?
Now I have made it work with 2160p setting as well.
What I find is that it is a better picture (sharper) when I use 1080p.
Are there any special settings that I should make when using 2160p?
Check the settings on your tv, should have a deep colour option for 4K, which should be enabled.