openBH 0.4 Vu+ Solo

hello, i have a sunraybox mini solo hd,
can you tell me if this goes well, or general best ?
Im in iran and vuplus website is blocked so I cant do it,When I press yellow button it shows popup message it actived but when I press OK button it still inactive
Finally I could update image online,There were 67 updates but still openvpn cannot active.I have another problem that is I cant install any plugin when I import plugin in tmp folder and install it manually it shows sucssesfully installed but when it reboots it is not exist!
Thank you for your patient
Finally I found out how enable openvpn. You must start VPN in network setting (not in open blackhole setting) and for installing plugins needs to be swapping files.
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hola equipo BH . tengo instalada esta imagen pero no dscarga extenciones . hay alguna sulocion ? gracias
I installed this image couple of days ago and immediately went back to OBH 0.1 because of several problems; the rom became too slow after i uploaded bouquets... i couldn't even install a simple plugin like tspanel, installation and the waiting circle/indicator become frozen; and after another clean installation of OBH 0.4, the frozen/lagy state back again when i was updating the image online.
so i went back to obh 0.1 to find a solution :(
I installed this image couple of days ago and immediately went back to OBH 0.1 because of several problems; the rom became too slow after i uploaded bouquets... i couldn't even install a simple plugin like *******, installation and the waiting circle/indicator become frozen; and after another clean installation of OBH 0.4, the frozen/lagy state back again when i was updating the image online.
so i went back to obh 0.1 to find a solution :(
Fucking third party panels with ilelgal material inside are not welcome, supported or tolerated here.
hola equipo OBH . otra vez os pido por favor cual es la problema de esta imagen .OBH 0.4. en vu+ solo. llevo 4 dias buscando manera de instalar alguna extension al final NADA . solo quiero saber si la imagen es valida O NO. para quitarla y volver al anterior OBH 0.1. y ( no es cuestion de verde amarillo . o verde plung ) muchas gracias a todos.
hola equipo OBH . otra vez os pido por favor cual es la problema de esta imagen .OBH 0.4. en vu+ solo. llevo 4 dias buscando manera de instalar alguna extension al final NADA . solo quiero saber si la imagen es valida O NO. para quitarla y volver al anterior OBH 0.1. y ( no es cuestion de verde amarillo . o verde plung ) muchas gracias a todos.

¿Cuál es la extensión que está tratando de instalar?

hola nunigaia . quiero instalar las extensiones necesarias para mi .. 1 mi piel prefireda matrix hd . foreca meteo . system tim . system thols...y otros 2 asta 4 mas o menos que son normales y simples . muchas gracias nunigaia
hola nunigaia . quiero instalar las extensiones necesarias para mi .. 1 mi piel prefireda matrix hd . foreca meteo . system tim . system thols...y otros 2 asta 4 mas o menos que son normales y simples . muchas gracias nunigaia

Matrix HD o Metrix HD?
Usa el telecomando:

<Download Plugins>:

Tienes la todo.

y buenas noches
llevo 4 dias con plugin verde .o verde amarillo .y nada te pone .execusion terminada .y no encuentro nada .tambien le pasa esto a mi amigo que tiene vu+ solo como el mio gracias nunigaia por darme tiempo
esta imagen es estupenda pero tiene algunas problemas esperemos asta que se pone bien y volver al obh 0.1 ..muchas gracias a todo el equipo BH
@Jackslater hi man, have you found a solution for the problem that u have mentioned in first page? my solo have enough memory and space left, though it laggy and unusable
@Jackslater hi man, have you found a solution for the problem that u have mentioned in first page? my solo have enough memory and space left, though it laggy and unusable
Sorry for the delay, I didn't receive any notification.
The only solution I found was to move to Openatv 5.3, which should have the same "base" of the OBh 0.4, and zero problems.
Other than that I suggest you to enable the swap file.
Oh, now I see there's a new Obh 0.6, you may want to try it as well, and let us know.