Hi , did someone have the issues with the picons (after 4.2.015). I cant see them after 4.2.012 .
That means you are trying to use language, that is not available.What about this:
< 581.474> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/AVSwitch.py", line 380, in InitAVSwitch
< 581.475> NameError: global name 'ngettext' is not defined
for i in range(5, 16):
choicelist.append(('%d' % i, ngettext('%d second', '%d seconds', i) % i))
ngettext is defined in gettext.py
If you do opkg update then opkg upgrade in telnet.
No problem, I know you were just trying to help, but posting files from other images isn't a good idea, as it can cause other issues.
Yep you are rightNo problem, I know you were just trying to help, but posting files from other images isn't a good idea, as it can cause other issues.
I don't see any reasons for picons to stop working, nothing has changed with picons since 4.2.002Yep you are right. Thanks for understanding .I apologize again .Did you had a chance to look about the picons issue . The last image working correct was 4.2.012 , then after they are not showing any more ;(.