OpenBH 4.2 Vu+ Uno

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ev0
  • Start date Start date
Hi , did someone have the issues with the picons (after 4.2.015). I cant see them after 4.2.012 .
1.jpg 41138-ce364430b54e2eee7908802b96ddb823.jpg
What about this:
< 581.474> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 380, in InitAVSwitch
< 581.475> NameError: global name 'ngettext' is not defined
for i in range(5, 16):
choicelist.append(('%d' % i, ngettext('%d second', '%d seconds', i) % i))
ngettext is defined in
That means you are trying to use language, that is not available.

I dont know, why it's not working for you. You could try to create blank /etc/enigma2/settings file.
For me was enough to install enigma2-locale-et
added to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/
from gettext import ngettext
...ok...but here is missing too:
< 1707.310> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 49, in InitUsageConfig
< 1707.311> NameError: global name 'ngettext' is not defined
it is python problem, not locale language
OK, I finished tests. Clean OBH42 install, opkg update, opkg upgrade.
Generealy: python code need rework (please)
python (uno) version 2.7.13
I get py files from blackhole github, I added missing line "from gettext import ngettext" to files, but now I have crashlog.
For now is OBH42(4.2-014 to 4.2-017) not suitable for UNO.
For now back to OBH41.


the issue is not with AVSwitch , dont waste time there .I had the same issue with the AVSwitch with the same error and i used to put differnt AVSwitch files and the error always used to come .I cant remember right now how did i solve it :(.
try those files and let me know how it goes .

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clean usb flash, no chance to select language!!! no first run wizard!!!
I try touch settings
If you do opkg update then opkg upgrade in telnet.

The box should boot then.

Or you can reflash with the new file on 1st post.
@Ev0: Big thanks for openbh: release 4.2.018 ([Language] Fix for Gen 1 boxes.) It works on UNO!
I made clean USB install of OBH42018 (opkg update/upgrade works too)
Very few languages (de,en), but I have added my language self:
init 4
opkg update
opkg instal enigma2-locale-XX (XX is code of languade, e.g. sk)
init 3
I know, these old boxes have limitations.

Thank you for fix!
No problem, I know you were just trying to help, but posting files from other images isn't a good idea, as it can cause other issues.
Yep you are right :) . Thanks for understanding .I apologize again .Did you had a chance to look about the picons issue . The last image working correct was 4.2.012 , then after they are not showing any more ;(.
Yep you are right :) . Thanks for understanding .I apologize again .Did you had a chance to look about the picons issue . The last image working correct was 4.2.012 , then after they are not showing any more ;(.
I don't see any reasons for picons to stop working, nothing has changed with picons since 4.2.002
Just checked for you with previous install and also a clean install on Uno and picons are working fine for me.
Thanks m8 , i will do fresh installation and use another USB drive , i dont like the idea the picons to be on the HDD and all the time changing channel to wake it up .
Indeed the issue was from my side . I flash the new image and download the new channel list , and apperantly the channels ID were different with the picons , so thats why nothing was showing . Yes i fixed the pisons and now everything is up and running .
Thanks and sory for the hasle .
check first post - download new (working) release openbh-4-2-018-release-vuuno_usb
Finally I switched to OBH 4.2.025 (locale installed manualy: opkg install enigma2-locale-XX)
I keep new bootlogo - by family vote :)
Everything is working fine.
Thank you!