OpenBh 5.0.009 Online Update

Noto con dispiacere che i file che nella versione 008 erano in .py nella versione 009 sono diventati .pyc


I note with regret that the files that in version 008 were in .py in version 009 have become .pyc

Sì è stata una modifica fatta da OEA che riguarda tutte le immagini per risparmiare spazio in quanto i file compilati ne occupano di meno. Questo è fondamentale per i box che hanno la flash piccola.
And in python2 they were .pyo, what does it matter ?
Riesco a fare piccole modifiche sui file .py, i file .pyo e .pyc sono precompilati e non possono essere aperti. Non è un grosso problema basta scaricare i sorgenti e metterli nell'immagine.
@Logan: Non avevo pensato ai decoder con poca memoria

I can make small changes on .py files, .pyo and .pyc files are precompiled and cannot be opened. It's not a big deal just download the sources and put them in the image.
@Logan: I hadn't thought of decoders with little memory
I can make small changes on .py files, .pyo and .pyc files are precompiled and cannot be opened
They sure can.
Look for "Easy Python Decompiler", it's a little portable app, no setup required.
The decompiled file has an extension of .pyc_dis or .pyo_dis which you can easily edit.
Then rename it as .py and send to box instead of the original, since E2 will compile them to .pyo (or .pyc) on restart.
Don't need to decompile anything if you use the sources.

Look at the top of the page, above the OpenBH logo.
Highlight and click on Source Code.
Highlight and click on enigma2 in the new window.
Highlight and click on Code.
Download zip.

Most of the receiver files that you would want to modify will be in /lib/python of the enigma2 zip file.

obh-source 2022-02-15 20-55-20.png

obh-python-components 2022-02-15 20-59-31.png
They sure can.
Look for "Easy Python Decompiler", it's a little portable app, no setup required.
The decompiled file has an extension of .pyc_dis or .pyo_dis which you can easily edit.
Then rename it as .py and send to box instead of the original, since E2 will compile them to .pyo (or .pyc) on restart.
Ho già decompilato alcuni .pyo, qualche plugin che non mette a disposizione i sorgenti.
Per obh è certamente meglio scaricare 15 Mb di sorgenti e averli tutti a portata di mano


I have already decompiled some .pyo, some plugins that do not provide the sources.
For obh it is certainly better to download 15 Mb of sources and have them all at your fingertips