Parterbox not zapping on remote box



Hi all,

- On my Vusolose I've installed partnerbox_mod from the openblackhole plugin extensions.
- I've sucessfully added my old dm800 (with last openpli 2.1) as partnerbox. (powercontrol works)
- On my vusolose I'm able to add remote bouquets and services from my dm800.
- when I select the the remote service which is already playing on my dm800, it streams perfectly to my vusolose.

However when I change to another remote channel, it doesn't remote zap and screen stays black.
When I zap back to the channel it streams perfectly. So it's really a remote zapping problem vi webif.

I've enabled the zap to service in the partnerbox setup. But still no remote zap.

Any suggestions?

Could the problem be in the old openpli on the dm800, or the partnerbox_mod ???




update: The normal version of partnerbox is no improvement... Where can I find the "E-menu" to start the partnerbox plugin?