reboot without prompt


New member
Hey, I'm really new to this whole Enigma2 thing, but I've been using Linux for a while. Here's the deal: I'm trying to record some shows, but I'm running into issues. Let me explain. Sometimes, while it's recording, the screen freezes, and it stops recording. It's happened a few times when I was around, and I just rebooted it (by hitting 'Yes' on the screen that pops up), and it kept on recording after the restart.

I've set up a script that runs at startup, which checks if there's any recording in progress. Every 10 seconds, it looks at the file size, and if it hasn't changed in those 10 seconds, it restarts the decoder (using 'wget -q -O -'). But, the problem is that it displays a message on the screen... so, it doesn't restart quietly. Do you guys know how to restart it without that on-screen message? I mean, I could do a '/sbin/shutdown -r now,' but when I tried that, it didn't resume the recording. Any ideas? Thanks a bunch, everyone!
Have you got all the message options, in the recording/playback menu, turned to Off?
What is the message, you are seeing?