Scripts need complete path to work


Active member
There is something peculiar since I use OpenBH 5.3: to launch a script by console you MUST use the complete path before the script name, whatever folder are you in.
So you need to launch the script by . /usr/script/
Instead, in the previous OpenBHs, if you were inside the folder /usr/script/ you simply could launch it by .
I checked, to be sure, in boxes where there are still 5.1 or 4.4 images and it was so.
Da telnet manda questo comando:
echo $PATH
controlla che tra i vari percorsi separati dai : ci sia anche /usr/script

From telnet send this command:

echo $PATH

check that among the various paths separated by : there is also /usr/script
Non c'è, ma neppure nel box con la 5.1 c'è, eppure funziona senza path completo.
There is no such a path, but it's not even in the box equipped by 5.1, and it works without path.