Setup of Duo 4K SE


I have just completed the installation of OBH with Waves5 on my new DUO 4K SE with 2 FBC S2X tuners and are really happy in the way in which OBH assisted me in configuring the tuners. It would have taken me some time to work out that the tuner in slot 2 is not tuner B (as labelled on the back of the box), but tuners I to P.
The on-screen help to change the RCU code on my Solo2 was also of great help.
Well done OBH team.
Unfortunately I have found that if I press the help button and then OK the box crashes. This is on both boxes with OBH 5.2.005 and the same happened with the 004 version.
I have been using Crossepg for about the past 10 years without any major problems but now my nightly update hangs and can only be stopped by turning off the power. Is there a problem with the Rytec server?
I have read that blind scan doesn’t work with FBC tuners and yet a blind scan plugin is included in the original openvuplus software. Is there a reason for this not being included in OBH for the DUO?
One last question. How do you guys keep your picons up to date. I found an ipk download on but as far as I could see it installed them in flash on not in Picon on the USB.
For picons update I recommend
- Chocholousek Picons updater (Enigma2 plugin)
Many, many thanks Didi. That was just great. Everything in place in under 30 minutes. When I think of all the hours I've used over the past 10 years to update picons in many cases manually!!!!!!!