SNR with no signal on USB DVB-T tuner (Pinnacle NanoStick 73e)

  • Thread starter Thread starter SLR_Vision39
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I'm new to Open Blackhole, I've reinstalled my Duo2 from BH 3.0.1 to latest OpenBH 1.0.033.
I have setup everything and it works really well (2 DVB-S tuners and 1 DVB-T)... and I'm happy with it.
I have several questions :
- Regarding SNR signal on my USB NanoStick 73e : it's not showing anything (still 0).
It was working well on BH 3.0.1.
- Where can I find a complete list of installable plugins with their descriptions ?
Thanks in advance and keep up the good job.
OBH does not have every drivers bult-in but you have to know which family of chipset your stick uses and install it by the addons menu.
Thanks for your reply.
As I said, I think I've found the right driver (at least, it's working well at the moment)... I just miss this SNR signal.
My USB DVB-T tuner is listed a PCTV 73e which is exactly the right version.
Is there a plug'n'play plugin that could perhaps help me select a better driver ?
Here's what it gives :
Only the original DTTs show the signal/SNR and quality/AGC well.
The USB-DTT, no matter the model, mark good / bad / intermittent signal, does not work well.
As you have the dual satellite tuner, you have room (1 slop free) to put a single/double DTT tuner, so you can see the levels correctly.

Check the comments with .....
RTL2832-R820T, PlayTV (PS3), NPG Real DVB-2T, and other decks with Avermedia A850 and A850T.
Solo los TDT originales muestran la señal/SNR y calidad/AGC bien.
Los USB-TDT, da igual el modelo, marcan señal bien/mal/intermitente, no funciona bien.
Como tienes el tuner de satelite doble, tienes sitio (1 slop libre) para poner un sintonizador de TDT sencillo/doble, asi podras ver los niveles correctamente.

Verificado lo comentado con.....
RTL2832-R820T, PlayTV (PS3), NPG Real DVB-2T, y en otro decos con Avermedia A850 y A850T.

Only that matters is: can you watch the channels or not?
The SNR level not shown maybe is a driver's bug but if you have no problems at watching, don't care about it. Maybe some future update will solve it.
The channels look good, as indicated by the partner (photo M6 by DTT) OK channels, the problem is that the signal indicator is to zero (0), other times flashing, signal and zero every few seconds.
Updating ?, I do not think, USB-DTT drivers are very bad in Enigma2 and not solved by their owners (it has been a known topic for more than 8 years).
Los canales se ven bien, como indica el compañero (foto M6 por TDT) los canales OK, el problema es que el indicador de señal esta a cero (0), otras veces intermitente, marca señal y cero cada pocos segundos.
Actualizacion?, no creo, los driver de los USB-DTT son muy malos en Enigma2 y no lo solucionan sus dueños (es un tema conocido desde hace mas de 8 años).
Thanks for your answers guys...
I agree with Alexwilmac, as long as I watch the channels.... it's ok for me :)
I was just asking :)
Thanks anyway