Time format

You can test this coding in MX_Slim-Line_NP skin
replace skin.xml in /usr/share/enigma2/MX_Slim-Line_NP

The time format 24H or 12H you can change in Main Menu >> Setup >> Time
Not perfect in all panels but possible to use.


Do you mean this new option in MENU/Setup/Time is available only using this modified skin? Because, without, there isn't such an option.
You can test this coding in MX_Slim-Line_NP skin
replace skin.xml in /usr/share/enigma2/MX_Slim-Line_NP

The time format 24H or 12H you can change in Main Menu >> Setup >> Time
Not perfect in all panels but possible to use.
Awesome , thank you
You can test this coding in MX_Slim-Line_NP skin
replace skin.xml in /usr/share/enigma2/MX_Slim-Line_NP

The time format 24H or 12H you can change in Main Menu >> Setup >> Time
Not perfect in all panels but possible to use.
What did you change here , i tried this on other skins didn't work , wanna edit thier skin.xml too
What did you change here , i tried this on other skins didn't work , wanna edit thier skin.xml too

you have to replace in the entire coding in skin.xml
<convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H:%M</convert>
<convert type="ClockToText"/>

You have to add in skin.xml
<parameters> section at the top of the skin.xml coding

<parameter name="AllowUserDatesAndTimes" value="1,1"/>