Update/upgrade to 5.3.8 problem


I was using OBH 5.2.7. I decided to upgrade. Uno4kSE without multiboot, enough space, usb+hdd.
At first I made 5.2.7 backup.
Upgrade 5.2.7 -> 5.3.7 - everything is working properly, no reinstalation or setup is needed (softcam is working). Just restart and watching TV.
Update 5.3.7 -> 5.3.8 - at startup configuration wizard and I must setup box from the begining. Recovery settings is insuficient, softcam is gone.
Upgrade 5.2.7 -> 5.3.8 - same situation as above.
I was flashing directly from Backup&Restore menu.
What is changed in 5.3.8 which is blocking fluent upgrade?
Do you want to edit your post so that it makes sense ?

First of all I assume you mean 5.2.007 and 5.3.007 / 008 ?

Then you say you upgraded from 5.2.007 to 5.3.007 and everything is good.

Then you say you updated from 5.3.007 to 5.3.008 and had to do startup config ?

Then you say you upgraded from 5.2.007 (but your already on 5.3.007) to 5.3.008 and I don't understand which situation is the same as above (it worked or you had to setup again with startup config wizard) ?
I retested upgrade 5.2.007 -> 5.3.008 - it works OK, setting restored from 5.2.007, except I must reinstall chocholousek plugin and softcam.
Probably I made fake upgrade 5.2.007->5.2.007, not ->5.3.007 as I mentioned in first post.
Sorry, I apologize for panic, it was my mistake.
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