Vu Solo2 HEVC codec support

  • Thread starter Thread starter bala240
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Any chance Vu Solo2 and other non-4k receivers could add support for HEVC codec so that channels broadcasting in this format could be tuned for watching in 1080p
You can use the power of the PC.
You can always record the event, pass the file to the PC and watch with a powerful PC (> i5 and a good video card), to watch with Videolang or MPC-HD (also valid for 4:2:2 events).

With powerful PC and 1Gbs network you can also stream the channel to the PC.
Always at PC resolution (of course).

Some channels are identified as data, switch to TV mode with a channel editor (Dreamset / DreamboxEdit).
Now the receiver can tune it.
Puedes usar la potencia del PC.
Siempre puedes grabar el evento, pasar el fichero al PC y ver con un PC potente (>i5 y una buena tarjeta de video), para ver con Videolang ó MPC-HD (tambien vale para eventos en 4:2:2).

Con PC potente y red de 1Gbs tambien puedes hacer streaming del canal al PC.
Siempre a la resolucion del PC (claro).

Algunos canales se identifican como datos, pasar a modo TV con un editor de canales (Dreamset/DreamboxEdit).
Ahora el receptor lo puede sintonizar.
Thank you very much. Can you explain a bit further about the 4k channels which are tuned as data/radio on Vu Solo 2 and other non-4k receivers . What exactly we need to do with Dreamboxedit for watching them. Regards
You can use the power of the PC.
You can always record the event, pass the file to the PC and watch with a powerful PC (> i5 and a good video card), to watch with Videolang or MPC-HD (also valid for 4:2:2 events).
I already used such attempt but did not work.
Used an i7 with Windows 7 (video card Nvidia G550 and laptop screen) and a MacBook Pro with i5 connected to a 4k monitor but both were not able to reproduce the movie, it appears just a frame but no motion flow while the audio is ok.
Tururu did you tested the aproach you described ?
You can also use your 4K smart tv instead of pc, smartiptv app from market (costs 5.5 euros) most channels stream ok in 4K but some doesn't and i don't own an UHD receiver to compare.
To watch 4K channels (UHD) it is best to have a 4K receiver (UHD), things clear.
3 years ago and as a game, I started with these themes, I change them with VU + DUO2.
In my case, since I need more than 4 tuner, I have one.
Para ver canales 4K(UHD) lo mejor es tener un receptor 4K(UHD), las cosas claras.
Hace 3 años y como un juego, empece con estos temas, los cambios los pesco con VU+DUO2.
En mi caso, como necesito mas de 4 tuner, tengo uno.

Thank you very much. Can you explain a bit further about the 4k channels which are tuned as data/radio on Vu Solo 2 and other non-4k receivers . What exactly we need to do with Dreamboxedit for watching them.
Data channels: Using DreamboxEdit, right click on the channel 4K (UHD) in the general satellite list,
Selects to change to TV mode, solved, you add it to a Bouquet / Favorite 4K (UHD) for example, and the receiver can choose this channel.
Canales de datos: Usando DreamboxEdit, pica con el boton derecho del ratos en el canal 4K (UHD) en el listado general de satelite, selecciona cambiar a modo TV , solucionado, lo añades a un Bouquet/Favorito 4K(UHD) por ejemplo, ya el receptor puede seleccionar este canal.

I already used such attempt but did not work.
Used an i7 with Windows 7 (video card Nvidia G550 and laptop screen) and a MacBook Pro with i5 connected to a 4k monitor but both were not able to reproduce the movie, it appears just a frame but no motion flow while the audio is ok.
Tururu did you tested the aproach you described ?

If, of course, I have been playing for 3 years with these channels, not here, but on the net you have many events photos in 4K (UHD).
Even some recording of a party in this solution (3x6GB).
As I indicated, this is for "play", if you want to see any of these channels, the solution is to buy a 4K receiver (UHD) or a tuner for PC, things clear.

"something" powerful, only 15 seconds (bufer).
Perfect 4K (UHD) a friend with MSI GT72 2QE-1265ES i7-4720HQ / 16GB / GTX980M / 17.3 "(1920x1080) notebook.
If you only have audio, it does not support H265 video.
MPC-HC and only the latest versions of Videolang support H265 care.
If the program does not support H265 or does not have power, only audio (in general).
Si, por supuesto, juego desde hace 3 años con estos canales, no aqui, pero en la red tienes muchas fotos de eventos en 4K (UHD), incluso alguna grabacion de un partido en esta rsolucion (3x6GB).
Como indico, esto es para "jugar", si quieres ver alguno de estos canales, la solucion es comprar un receptor 4K (UHD) ó una sintonizadora para PC, las cosas claras.

Con un PC "algo" potente, solo 15 segundo (bufer).
Perfecto 4K(UHD) un amigo con portatil MSI GT72 2QE-1265ES i7-4720HQ/16GB/GTX980M/17.3" (1920x1080).
Si solo tienes audio, no soporta video H265.
MPC-HC y solo las ultimas versiones de Videolang soportan H265 cuidado.
Si el programa no soporta H265 ó no tiene potencia, solo audio (en general).

PS: If you put "tururu 4K (uhd)" in Google ", you will see many photos of the 4K (UHD) satellite and DTT channels.
PD:Si pones "tururu 4K (uhd)" en Google", veras muchas fotos de las pescas de canales 4K (UHD) de satelite y de TDT.
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Thank you. The UHD channels are streaming on PC(VLC) from Vu Solo2 which is in turn connected to the TV through HDMI but the picture freezes due to weak PC. Which PC would you recommend for smooth playback of 4k channels? I have Vu Uno 4k but due to lack of blindscan function it is of no use to me as I am a sports feeds enthusiast. Will a PC with robust configuration play 4k stream from Vu Uno 4k smoothly? Regards
Repito/I repeat.....MSI GT72 2QE-1265ES i7-4720HQ/16GB/GTX980M/17.3" (1920x1080)....2000€ :lol:

Not worth it, I catch the channels with the VU+DUO2 and if I want to see something, I use the 4K deco, like I do not look for soccer, nor sporting events, no problem.

VU + Solo2, similar performance, somewhat slower in the blind search than the VU+DUO2.
Astra at 19.2ºE .... VU+DUO2 .... 5 minutes.
Astra at 19.2ºE .... VU+Solo2 .... 16 minutes.

The PC commented, the tests were with free 4K channels (UHD).
In 4:2:2 no idea, logically will ask for more machine.
The sporting events in 4K(UHD) are very few and usually coded in Biss, lately also in 4:2:2 (that requests a little more of machine).
No merece la pena, pesco los canales con el VU+DUO2 y si quiero ver algo, uso el deco 4K, como no busco futbol, ni eventos deportivos, no hay problema.

VU+Solo2, similares prestaciones, algo mas lento en la busqueda ciega que el VU+DUO2.
Astra a 19.2ºE....VU+DUO2....5 minutos.
Astra a 19.2ºE....VU+Solo2....16 minutos.

El PC comentado, las pruebas fueron con canales libres 4K (UHD).
En 4:2:2 ni idea, logicamente pedira mas maquina.
Los eventos deportivos en 4K (UHD) son muy pocos y normalmente codificados en Biss, ultimamente tambien en 4:2:2 (que pide un poco mas de maquina).

PS: Not worth it, better PC with satellite tuner/No merece la pena, mejor PC con sintonizadora satelite.:wallbash:
Receivers with blind search 4K ARM...... only the Octagon SF4008 4K, by what is read, does not work, it is in pending tasks.
Receptores con busqueda ciega 4K ARM......solo el Octagon SF4008 4K, por lo leido, no funciona, esta en tareas pendientes.
It is very green/Esta muy verde.

PS:Vu+Solo4K y VU+Ultimo4K nones/no blind search.
Some La Liga matches are telecast in 4k on Eutelsat 10 east. I have Uno 4k but the real problem is lack of blindscan support. Hope someone comes up with a solution. Sooner the better.
Some La Liga matches are telecast in 4k on Eutelsat 10 east. I have Uno 4k but the real problem is lack of blindscan support. Hope someone comes up with a solution. Sooner the better.
On the web you have the feed used to search manually.
Remember that you are going to Biss and lately in 4:2:2, not supported by the receiver you have.
En las web tienes el feed utilizado para buscar manualmente.
Recuerda que va en Biss y ultimamente en 4:2:2, no soportado por el receptor que tienes.

PS: I do not like football, but I like to read/No me gusta el futbol, pero me gusta leer.
You can watch channels directly on your smartTV without 4k decoder using ssiptv app
copy and paste the url (uses webif to know it) of the channels 4k in the list of the app (via web)

The only drawback is that you have to zap in the decoder to change channels, but the image quality is impressive

*Connect both, decoder and tv by gigabit ethernet cable