

Staff member
Vu+ has discontinued all cooperation and support with the BlackHole Team.
The domain will soon cease to exist and the board has been moved to

We will no longer be able to offer full support for Vu+ products, but only limited help by continuing to make images with the Openbh series, unless something changes in the image that requires an update from Vu+ and this becomes no longer possible.

For this reason and also due to the fact that we are not able to ensure future support for any new Vu+ products, we strongly recommend not purchasing new Vu+ products.
era nell'aria..mi dispiace molto,spero riuscirete a tenere comunque aggiornati i nostri V+
l'ho preso nuovo da un anno circa,fidandomi del marchio e dall'ottima immagine obh...
grazie sempre per il lavoro svolto e gli aiuti che ci date

it was in the air..i am very sorry,hope you can still keep our V+ updated
I got it new about a year ago, trusting the brand and the good image obh...
thanks always for the work and help you give us
Worst for them, not for us.
But VU+ boxes are the best and I bet they are the most spread, despite of their price. After all, all the other ones resemble like my 2001 Humax5400, without even a whatever LCD display. So, new or used, VU+ boxes will remain my first choice and I hope OBH team, of this image I loved since its superbeta release 0.4, will keep it up to date. ;)

VU+ didn't do a good bargain in giving their support to that other obscene image. Worst for them, as I said.
... are the most spread, despite of their price.
This is not so... and not quite because CS is rare! Believe it or not everything is related ... so that a guy man, if you can have cheaper to see dolls? So for IPTV the Hisilicon HI3798MV200 processors are a wonder .
a me interessa poco CS e IPTV (eccetto plutotv) vorre isempre avere un buon decoder,ho iniziato con humax 5400,passando poi a dreambox 7000,7025,7020hd...
ora ho il Duo 4K SE e sono molto soddisfatto,anche per l'ottima immagine OBH che secondo me e' la migliore che ho mai visto da quando ho un decoder
spero che riusciate a tenere vivi questi decoder,anche se chi li produce ora non ha piu' la mia stima :cry:
buon fine settimana a tutti

I care little about CS and IPTV (except plutotv) I would is always like to have a good decoder,I started with humax 5400,moving on to dreambox 7000,7025,7020hd...
now i have the Duo 4K SE and i am very satisfied,also for the excellent OBH picture which in my opinion is the best i have ever seen since i have a decoder
I hope you can keep these decoders alive,even though the people who make them now no longer have my esteem :cry:
have a good weekend everyone