Welcome to OpenBh.net the new home of the OpenBh Team.
On this board you can obviously discuss the products our images are built for, If you would like to get our image running on new products, feel free to contact us for support.
It will take a some time to get this new board up and running, but hopefully with some input from you guys, it will soon be as busy (if not more so) than www.vuplus-community.net
So once again welcome to our new home and we look forward to hearing from you all.
On this board you can obviously discuss the products our images are built for, If you would like to get our image running on new products, feel free to contact us for support.
It will take a some time to get this new board up and running, but hopefully with some input from you guys, it will soon be as busy (if not more so) than www.vuplus-community.net
So once again welcome to our new home and we look forward to hearing from you all.