Xbox USB Tuner.


Active member
I just know that it is possible to place this device to work in the "old" Vu+ HD, concrete in VU+ Zero with the image OpenSPA 7.5.005.

Can the OBH team make this possible?

We are working to offer the same functionality but we have some issue.
The driver from openspa, despite the name open of the team is closed, so we have to reinvent the wheel.
I have no Zero HD but I know who has and abandoned OBH to OSPA to be able to enjoy this tuner, for the obvious reasons, mourning the change...

If possible, some will be grateful, even me without this equipment.

We are working to offer the same functionality but we have some issue.
The driver from openspa, despite the name open of the team is closed, so we have to reinvent the wheel.
I have no Zero HD but I know who has and abandoned OBH to OSPA to be able to enjoy this tuner, for the obvious reasons, mourning the change...

If possible, some will be grateful, even me without this equipment.


AFAIK, it only worked with 4K Vuplus STB´s ( Armv7 ) at BH images ( BH and OpenBH ), so mipsel32 STB´s were out!

Unless I am wrong!
AFAIK, it only worked with 4K Vuplus STB´s ( Armv7 ) at BH images ( BH and OpenBH ), so mipsel32 STB´s were out!

Unless I am wrong!
I don't know technical details, I know it's working in the image and box I mentioned in #1.