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  1. M

    Motorized channels don't appear after changing old tuner with new DVB S2X-Motor icon doesn't appear

    Is your LNB a single output, and you're using some kind of splitter, on your coax cable? What make/model LNB do you have? How have you got the tuners configured? I have a dual output LNB and have the second tuner set to second cable from motorized dish.
  2. M

    Ooenbh download help

    Have you tried OpenBh 4.4? Did you ever update the VU+ Duo CFE?
  3. M

    Ooenbh download help

    After unzipping the file, you send the vuplus folder, onto the USB stick. Try another USB stick, they don't always work, even if they've worked before. I have had to switch twice, over the years, and even had to buy a Toshiba 8GB stick, a few years back, which thankfully is still working.
  4. M

    Connect problem

    The easiest method is by going into your receivers menu, locate the Network menu, and you will see the password option. use the keyboard, to set a password, and save it, upon exiting. You can also use telnet using the passwd command.
  5. M

    Ooenbh download help

    Yes, after downloading the file, you unzip it, then load the vuplus folder, onto the FAT 32 formatted USB stick. You then turn off your receiver, at the rear, insert the USB stick, in the front port, turn on the receiver, and then the receiver should recognize the file, and load the new image...
  6. M

    Ooenbh download help

    The old VU+ Duo still has a version, 9of OpenBh:
  7. M

    Ooenbh download help

    You don't need a program, to load OpenBh, on your VU+ receiver, just a USB stick, formatted to FAT 32, if you're putting on your receiver, and not just using a Multiboot option. Which model, of the VU+ do you have? Each model has their own version, of OpenBh.
  8. M

    Uclan 4k Pro without online image download?

    You have to find out how to use multiboot, on OpenATV.
  9. M

    Uclan 4k Pro without online image download?

    Which image do you have currently installed, on your receivers flash memory?
  10. M

    Uclan 4k Pro without online image download?

    Do you want to load the OpenBh 5.3 imaqe into the receivers flash memory, or use multiboot?
  11. M

    OpenBh 5.3 is now Available

    Just checked and the trio 4K image can be downloaded, but the trio 4K pro links don't work. Just checked and the links, for the pro, do work, but don't re-direct you, just download. When you click on the Trio 4K link, you are re-directed, and have to wait, about 10 seconds, to get the link, if...
  12. M

    reboot without prompt

    Have you got all the message options, in the recording/playback menu, turned to Off? What is the message, you are seeing?
  13. M

    4 Questions

    That's similar to a V-Box II, which I have, with my VU+ Duo 2, 1.2M Channel Master, and Jaeger 1224 motor, with 4 wires going to my V-Box II. I have my V-Box II set up, on all the satellites, that I can receive, and have the VU+ Duo 2 set up so the positions match, on both V-Box and VU+. That...
  14. M

    4 Questions

    Any satellite, but usually best to send it near to your true south. Your True South is your Longitude reading. Does your motor have 4 wires, coming from it, like electrical wires, or does the coax cable go to the motor, then from the motor to your LNB? If it has 4 wires, from your motor, to a...
  15. M

    4 Questions

    USALS works by your receiver figuring where you are located, by you entering an accurate Latitude, and Longitude, then moves to the other satellites, from that position. Hence you set up USALS, by zeroing motor/dish and LNB, then use your receiver, after entering your Latitude, and Logitude, to...
  16. M

    4 Questions

    USALS is basic, you simply enter your Latitude, and Longitude, remembering that negative Longitude readings = West, positive = East. There are several threads, regarding multiboot, but please posr your make/model of your receiver.
  17. M

    Audio problem

    Just tried OpenVix, with mixed results. The Audio played, while streaming Kodi, which it didn't in OpenBh, but didn't play when I exited Kodi, and tried in the default player, same as OpenBh.
  18. M

    Audio problem

    I downloaded a stream, using Kodi, the Indiana Jones movie, but when I tested it the Audio didn't play, so I checked it in Kodi, and again no sound. So i checked it on my PC, downloading it using Filezilla, from my VU+ hard drive, and the Audio played, with VLC. I have taken a screenshot, of the...
  19. M

    OpenBH 5.3 Plugin install

    Zuerst müssen Sie herausfinden, ob das Plugin mit Python 3 kompatibel ist. Sie können die meisten Plugins über das Menü „Plugins“ und den grünen Button herunterladen. Um eine IPK-Datei zu installieren, verbinden Sie Ihren PC mit Filezilla mit Ihrem Receiver. Laden Sie die IPK-Datei in den...
  20. M

    Problem in installing ipk file

    I use Oscam latest, which you should find in the list.