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  1. shah

    serviceapp crashing OpenBh

    Dear boss I’m sorry to inform you that I have a problem when I’m last night online update image was crashing vu+uno 4k se ( Thank you
  2. shah


    Thank you for your reply (Surfshark vpn ),I’m installed wiregured plugin , private key means username and password? And I saw Etc/enigma2 vpn mangers ,as a I’m kindly requesting you please give idea how setup vpn ,if possible please kindly send me PM , where I put username/password etc...
  3. shah


    Dear all Could you please I need help how to setup vpn in my Duo4k OpenBh 5.4 image, I have very little knowledge regarding vpn setup.if someone kindly help it was great for me Thanks
  4. shah

    OpenBH 5.4.01 with Cosmos skin (VIP)

    Dear boss I’m looking this skin please
  5. shah

    Time setup

    Dear mr Evo boss I’m struggling about uk time setting,I’m so many times changing different,different setup but sometimes work but next day again change like before wrong uk times,I need your support openbh images My duo4k Ultimo4k Uno 4k se Zero 4k All the 4k same image but problem...
  6. shah

    5.3.13 New problem

    Dear mr Evo boss I’m struggling about uk time setting,I’m so many times changing different,different setup but sometimes work but next day again change like before wrong uk times,I need your support openbh images My duo4k Ultimo4k Uno 4k se Zero 4k All the 4k same image but problem...
  7. shah

    Update/upgrade to 5.3.8 problem

    Thank you so much
  8. shah

    Update/upgrade to 5.3.8 problem

    dear mr Ev0 boss how to get serviceapps
  9. shah

    Your favourite Box

    Vu+duo4k,ultimo4k,uno4k se,and zero
  10. shah

    OpenBh 5.3 is now Available

    Dear mr Evo boss I need your support ,my vu+zero openBH 5.3 I flash the image unfortunately sometimes images was crashing and non stop spinning ,I switch off ,on then work then if I wrong press any button then again crash then black screen and spinning please give me idea please what should I...
  11. shah

    Incorrect time

    Dear my evo boss Same problem my vu+ but I’m not used Oscam But I installed Jedi xtream Incorrect timer and where I request to update picons in feed because more than 1yrs no update the picons new image openbh5.3 still same Thank you
  12. shah

    Vu+ Update - The VU+ brand is not dead yet. One more update, is this the one they move to PY3

    py2 no problem if new releases blackhole 3.1.1 images was released because OpenPli still py2 8.3 images because bh image best for vu+
  13. shah

    Vu+ Update - The VU+ brand is not dead yet. One more update, is this the one they move to PY3

    I hope blackhole greatest image was back if mr Evo boss he wants
  14. shah

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Dear Mr Evo boss You are a great and super star in the world Thank you
  15. shah

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    And with default skin multiboot was work boss
  16. shah

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    kiddac sky skin openbh 5.2 i have no any problem abut skin or multiboot
  17. shah

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    dear MR EVO BOSS multiboot image selector dose not work vu+uno4kse and duo4k 5.3.001 image becouse when was pree ok box was restarts . [1] slots openbh 5.3 /slots2 vix 6.4 /slots 3 openatv7.3 thanks
  18. shah

    Download firmware

    Thanks for replying I’m no installed LCD4Linux but use mini tv on
  19. shah

    Download firmware

    Dear mr Evo boss I have a problem my Vu+duo4k Obh5..007 image Last few week when I change the channels automatically power off The box if I try to on by remote didn’t work, then I need to switch off then on box was work then again after half hour same problem (HDMI 1 Samsung qled tv box setup...