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Python 3 è migliore di python 2, per questo si sta facendo il cambio anche è molto dispendioso in termini di fatica e impegno. Purtroppo alcune istruzioni di python2 non vengono capite dal 3 che genera errori. I plugin sono stati fatti per py2 e contengono istruzioni non valide per py3 che genera errore e non li carica, per questo mettere plugin py2 su immagini py3 è molto sbagliato. pian piano chi gestisce questi plugin aggiusta le istruzioni sbagliate, in modo che py3 le riconosca, e il plugin riprende a funzionare
Python 3 is better than Python 2, for this reason you are making the gearbox is also very expensive in terms of fatigue and commitment. Unfortunately some Python2 instructions are not captured by 3 that generates errors. The plugins were made for PY2 and contain invalid instructions for PY3 that generates error and does not charge them, so put PY2 plugins on PY3 images is very wrong. slowly, those who manage these plugins adjust the wrong instructions, so that PY3 recognizes them, and the plugin resumes to function
Python 3 is better than Python 2, for this reason you are making the gearbox is also very expensive in terms of fatigue and commitment. Unfortunately some Python2 instructions are not captured by 3 that generates errors. The plugins were made for PY2 and contain invalid instructions for PY3 that generates error and does not charge them, so put PY2 plugins on PY3 images is very wrong. slowly, those who manage these plugins adjust the wrong instructions, so that PY3 recognizes them, and the plugin resumes to function