Active member
All thanks and appreciation for what the team offers to support users and provide all the pioneering ideas
and spiscial thank to @Ev0 who always support new ideas
You were like a beacon for ships by adding the timeshift feature
And the teams followed you in addition, which provided the best for users with ease and solutions to the problems they face. We had hoped to find a solution to them years ago.
Can we hope that liberality will continue by adding an option,TimeShift Dealy timer
So that you can choose preset modes for the time shift by specifying the number of seconds
1 = 1000ms
1.5 = 1500ms
2 = 2000ms
2.5 = 2500ms
3 = 3000ms
3.5 = 3500ms
etc to 30 seconds
Every 1 equals 1000 milliseconds
An alternative to setting the time shift manually.... Once the delay time is selected, it will be done automatically
something similar to that attached pic. as clear the idea

Thanks again on advance
and spiscial thank to @Ev0 who always support new ideas
You were like a beacon for ships by adding the timeshift feature
And the teams followed you in addition, which provided the best for users with ease and solutions to the problems they face. We had hoped to find a solution to them years ago.
Can we hope that liberality will continue by adding an option,TimeShift Dealy timer
So that you can choose preset modes for the time shift by specifying the number of seconds
1 = 1000ms
1.5 = 1500ms
2 = 2000ms
2.5 = 2500ms
3 = 3000ms
3.5 = 3500ms
etc to 30 seconds
Every 1 equals 1000 milliseconds
An alternative to setting the time shift manually.... Once the delay time is selected, it will be done automatically
something similar to that attached pic. as clear the idea

PlayerActivity: MainPlayer timeshiftDelayProc, curDelayTime:0 delayTime:0 playMode:PLAY_MODE_LIVE
PlayerActivity: timeshiftDelayProc, timeshiting will do nothing after 0 ms ...
MainPlayer: timeshiftDelayTimer, timeMs:0
MainPlayer: onDelayPlayTime, delayTime:1.0 mCurPlayMode:PLAY_MODE_LIVE
MainPlayer: onDelayPlayTime, delayTime:0 -> 1000
PlayerActivity: MainPlayer timeshiftDelayProc, curDelayTime:0 delayTime:1000 playMode:PLAY_MODE_LIVE
PlayerActivity: timeshiftDelayProc, startTimeshifting
PlayerActivity: timeshiftDelayProc, timeshiting will strart fisrt after 1000 ms ...
BoxDeviceJNI: dev_start_timeshifting 2838 enter
BoxDeviceJNI: playback_to_tspara 770 timeshift_duration:3600
MainPlayer: timeshiftDelayTimer, timeMs:1000
MainPlayer: onDelayPlayTime, delayTime:2.0 mCurPlayMode:PLAY_MODE_DELAYTS
MainPlayer: onDelayPlayTime, delayTime:1000 -> 2000
PlayerActivity: MainPlayer timeshiftDelayProc, curDelayTime:1000 delayTime:2000 playMode:PLAY_MODE_DELAYTS
MainPlayer: PlaybackController.onPlaybackStatusChange, status:STATUS_PLAY -> STATUS_PAUSE
PlayerActivity: timeshiftDelayProc, playback pause
PlayerActivity: timeshiftDelayProc, timeshiting will resume after 1000 ms ...
aml_stop_av_monitor 2574 enter, av_thread_running:1
I AM_DEBUG: [avmon] AV monitor thread exit now
I AM_DEBUG: [timeshift] [pause]
I AM_DEBUG: [timeshift] Notify status changed: 0x1->0x2
I AM_DEBUG: get v_stat_len failed
MainPlayer: timeshiftDelayTimer, timeMs:1000
MainPlayer: onDelayPlayTime, delayTime:3.0 mCurPlayMode:PLAY_MODE_DELAYTS
MainPlayer: onDelayPlayTime, delayTime:2000 -> 3000
PlayerActivity: MainPlayer timeshiftDelayProc, curDelayTime:2000 delayTime:3000 playMode:PLAY_MODE_DELAYTS
MainPlayer: PlaybackController.onPlaybackStatusChange, status:STATUS_PLAY -> STATUS_PAUSE
PlayerActivity: timeshiftDelayProc, playback pause
I AM_DEBUG: aml_stop_av_monitor 2574 enter, av_thread_running:1
I AM_DEBUG: [aml_av_monitor_thread] ending
I AM_DEBUG: [avmon] AV monitor thread exit now
PlayerActivity: timeshiftDelayProc, timeshiting will resume after 1000 ms ...
I AM_DEBUG: [timeshift] [pause]
I AM_DEBUG: [timeshift] Notify status changed: 0x1->0x2
I AM_DEBUG: get v_stat_len failed
MainPlayer: timeshiftDelayTimer, timeMs:1000
Thanks again on advance