E2m3u2bouquet Dorik1972 MOD

I've installed/updated the ServiceApp using putty and sent the commands in order to install the players.
Now I'm going to restart the E2 and then regenerate bouquets.
M3U to bouquet converter.

Works on any version of Python from 2.6.x to 3.10.x

Supports any number of IPTV providers, creates standard E2 userbouquets from an m3u playlist (Extended M3U: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3U), automatically downloads channel logos and creates their picons in a given folder, updates playlists at a given frequency , automatically imports events from the XMLTV playlist. Understands and "parses" playlists in any encoding, any alphabets, any "complexity" with any m3u-playlist tags and directives, supports the creation of "custom" sorting, redefining group names, channel names, channel_id EPG, etc.
Hi Dorik will this update vod as sulls one has stopped updating. Please advise
Hi Dorik will this update vod as sulls one has stopped updating. Please advise
My plugin and project from Suls are completely different... they are completely different code ... The only thing that matches is the name of the plugin
