Issue in attempt to flash vu + ultimo to version 5.3 with Blackhole using USB stick


New member
Hi everyone!

I have a VU + ultimo that I am trying to flash to a new software with using a USB stick. I have downloaded version 5.3 here using the download links attached in the forum. After having downloaded this version I have followed all the steps described on how to flash my VU + ultimo properly. When I plug the usb stick into my usb port on the vu + ultimo and turn the power switch back to on, nothing seems to be happening at all. Everything just starts up as normal and it does not detect any USB stick which I have already put inside the USB port. I can also add that I have tried 2 or 3 different types of USB drives which means it is really unlikely that something is wrong with my USB drives, and I have also tried the same procedure on another VU + ultimo and it seems to be pretty much the same issue when I try to boot the USB drive or to make it discover the software that should be found on the USB drive. My question for you is if any of you could consider my issue and hopefully give me a concrete advice or solution regarding my issue on flashing my vu + ultimo to my chosen firmware which I earlier said is the 5.3 version. In advance, Thank you for any answer regarding this. I would really be appreciating if someone could solve my problem!
Do you have an older VU+ Ultimo or the newer VU+ Ultimo 4K?
Ensure that there is nothing else attached to your receiver, using a USB port.
Do you have an older VU+ Ultimo or the newer VU+ Ultimo 4K?
Ensure that there is nothing else attached to your receiver, using a USB port.
Hi, my VU + ultimo is the old version. Pretty much sure about that Do you mean that I should disconnect any other cable (Ethernet cable and cable that gives signals), except the power cable?
Usually the problem lies with either the USB stick, which for older VU+ models, like my VU+ Duo 2, the cheap, older, USB sticks seem to work best, I'm currently using a cheap Toshiba 8GB, but I also noticed that a USB, wireless, keyboard, which I use for Kodi, and to supplement my aging remote, caused problems when flashing a new image.
Also check that you have downloaded the correct version, of the image, for your receiver, and uncompressed it so that you have the vuplus folder, loaded on your USB stick.
Found a guide, from Lee, for installing on the VU+ Ultimo:

Unzip the vuplus folder to the root directory of a USB Pen Drive.
Power off Vu+ with switch on the back
Insert USB Pen Drive into the USB socket on Vu+
Power on Vu+
You'll see the following message appear on the front display, "update file exist press the - button."
Press the "-" button on the front display to install the image from the USB Stick.