Network/VPN Issues with 5.1

Hi again!
Updated to 5.2 this afternoon and yet again same problem with OpenVPN not starting!?? I still have the file as above but it doesn't seem to help this time??
You need to update your openvpn config file from your provider.

It needs
data-ciphers-fallback AES-256-CBC
adding to it

my Conf file was working fine with 5.10.12?!

Things change when there are updates, security gets better.

So you need a new updated config from your provider.

In 5.1.x I did not need data-ciphers-fallback AES-256-CBC but now with 5.2.x it is needed.
I've an updted file with cipher AES-256-CBC in it now ...

Do I add the line data-ciphers-fallback AES-256-CBC to it our amend the above?
