tspanel_7.5 is not working with this image and make crash.
tspanel_7.5 is not working with this image and make crash.
Thnx for the nice image.
What about the xbmc? I can't Get out of xbmc. I must to close the receiver.
Where can be the problem?
Please specify channel name, satellite position and other useful infos about it.Thanks.
But after update my VU freeze while open the channel..
Downgrade to BH 2.1.6... samething... freeze again while opening the channel.. pls help....... thx
Measat 3a 91.5E All ChannelPlease specify channel name, satellite position and other useful infos about it.
A lot of channels mentioned by 91.5E are encrypted so ... how can you think to see them?Measat 3a 91.5E All Channel
Hello, thanks for the image, im waiting so long for it. Its like a mixing PLI and BH- great. Only 2 (3) notes.
-Ilike this openBH but noted this:
1.No DVD player (not even downloadable and the player wont play).i have many dvd s on my HDD -add: i can see my .iso files from the file menu, but WONT play- only BH was perfect in DVD. No enought attention to fix this?
2.OPEN AIR PLAY crasshes the box, is GSOD !! hardly removed from telnet- why you put on feed?
3.NO full backup menu still (there is non in plugins). i want to make a backup for my install for whole day, and want to try 216.1 also but wont loose my box...
thats for now. and every other is +++++
Full backup should be now available.
Online update your image.
I did online update at 12.30 my time- its 4 hours ago-
i try again, says: no update available, jsut show the log
its on a main menu, but its empty- no choise for the devices, nothing what i can do, only freez my box, need to restart-
NOW, i got 2 new plugins on plugin menu.. after ipk install success.Strange, maybe something was going wrong in the past upgrade.
Ok you can install this plugin that use the same routin of bh full backup.