openBH 0.4 Vu+ Solo2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ev0
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IMO not. Its another normal heavy image. OpenBH 0.1 it was different. It was fastest image ever and have good funcionality.

Never good,
when there are more options and when there is less :D

I can not notice such a huge difference in performance
truth usually I tested with duo2 and solo 4K

And there's a slight difference, which many do not even notice ..
Never good,
when there are more options and when there is less :D

I can not notice such a huge difference in performance
truth usually I tested with duo2 and solo 4K

And there's a slight difference, which many do not even notice ..
But we also have normal image BH 3.0.1 <- Mercedes, OpenBH 0.1 is a Ferrari.
This is only my opinion.
IMO not. Its another normal heavy image. OpenBH 0.1 it was different. It was fastest image ever and have good funcionality.
You can not please all of the people all of the time.

Nobody is forcing you to use this image, if you are happy with 0.1 then stick with that :)
But we also have normal image BH 3.0.1 <- Mercedes, OpenBH 0.1 is a Ferrari.
This is only my opinion.

BH is Ferrari >> :D
But if you need IPTV channels from the list and other options
then it is OBH with so many options.
Even so with good performance.
Hi. Really good work. I have a problem with A867 LED BLU DTT tuner. I tried to install as before with code:

opkg install kernel-module-af9033
opkg install kernel-module-mxl5007t

but this time doesn't work. Can you help me? Thanks.
Some changes are confusing, especially in the lists of basic ... Thank you
Hi. Really good work. I have a problem with A867 LED BLU DTT tuner. I tried to install as before with code:

opkg install kernel-module-af9033
opkg install kernel-module-mxl5007t

but this time doesn't work. Can you help me? Thanks.

On your RCU, press:

<GREEN>; <YELLOW>; choose <Addons download Manager>; <BlackHole Feeds Plugins>; <Drivers>;

Install it and reboot your STB.

best regards
First of all, thanks a lot for the image, it's a good one!

1. Somebody here knows if the plugin "mhw2epgdownloader. E2. Plugin" works right with this image? (
I've tried to install it (pkg install) but it's not shown in Crossepg panel configuration (as MHW2 provider).

2. I get each time I (re)boot the vuplus solo2 an error about missed or corrupted satellittes.xml file... and I've favourites, channel lists, etc. running ok ¿?

Thnx in advance! Cheers
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Thanks to the BH Team.
But i have a short question
Is it ok that i couldn`t find any Plugins in the download Manager?
There is nothing inside
Very interesting Image. Using Solo2.
But when using A867 usb stick and zap from Terrestrial to Sat Channel it is ok whilst zapping from Sat to Terrestrial the Image hangs miserably and have to reboot. Any suggestions please?
Is there a way to disable light skin on zap and disable video on chanel list?
There is a 10 sec laggy when I swith from sat to dtt.