OpenBH 0.6 Vu+ Solo2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ev0
  • Start date Start date
It is Pitty there no Built in EPG and Fast OpenEPG and EPGBack up for this image...DISAPPOINTED!!!!!
after flashing the remote controle are not working also image blocked in the first step i can't choose HDMI.
Everything is working fine here. (MediaPlayer 2 included :dance:)

Big Thank you to OBH team. :thanks:
I can not Zap iptv channels, every time I have to go back to channel list to Zap!! Not happy
Tried to move from B.H 3.0.2.F to Open B.H 0.6
I can't not install any IPK file. It says 0 package installed.
Can anyone please let me know if I need to install anything additional from IPTV-manager for it to work.

Plus my DCC is perfect with B.H 3.0.2 but constantly got circle sign on as it's still configuring.

Any help would be appreciated
Just tried to install online extension "SoftwareManager" it' didn't install either.
Just tried to install online extension "SoftwareManager" it' didn't install either.

Software Manager it´s not an extension plugin, but is a system plugin.

Press <GREEN>; <YELLOW>; <Addons Download Manager>; <Black Hole Feeds Plugins>; <System Plugins>;

Drop down in the list and install:

Software Manager

best regards
Software Manager it´s not an extension plugin, but is a system plugin.

Press <GREEN>; <YELLOW>; <Addons Download Manager>; <Black Hole Feeds Plugins>; <System Plugins>;

Drop down in the list and install:

Software Manager

best regards

Thank you very mate, it's appreciated
Thank you for great work on that image!

One thing i have to report is, that the system/User interface/botton setup is not well thougt out. First the blue button is not listed. Second, if i want to change the function of on button, i have to choose the button on the remote directly. Its better to scroll through the list of buttons and than to choose with OK the one to change its function. And it will be nice, if you list the assigned function next to the name of button. Thank you.

There is an momentary issue with software update.
In order to solve your issue, you can wait until its fixed or by using telnet, enter the following commands ( one by one ):

killall -9 enigma2

opkg update && opkg upgrade


best regards
This image does not work with DCC, at least I couldn't connect with it .....
I discovered that the images based on OE-Alliance git all have this problem, when jou start up DCC than it start in map etc from image, i don't know why,
what are you on about? Of course it works with DCC and always have. This and all BH images I've used in the past. Check you network settings first of all and see if the box ip and the computer it's connected to are the correct ones.
just upgraded from OBH 0.4. Seems to be running pretty fine. For some reason it didn't recognize the settings backup. So I did it manually.

I noticed a strange button setup - when I long-press the UP or DOWN buttons to show the channel list, it open the PIP mode.
I want to disable that, but I can't find where. Any help?

Thanks and keep up the gr8 work.
just upgraded from OBH 0.4. Seems to be running pretty fine. For some reason it didn't recognize the settings backup. So I did it manually.

I noticed a strange button setup - when I long-press the UP or DOWN buttons to show the channel list, it open the PIP mode.
I want to disable that, but I can't find where. Any help?

Thanks and keep up the gr8 work.

Why you are long pressing Up and Down buttons, if you just need " simple press "?

best regards
Why you are long pressing Up and Down buttons, if you just need " simple press "?

best regards
If I press only slightly longer than usual, it enables PIP. even only for a little bit longer.
I need to disable that.
If I press only slightly longer than usual, it enables PIP. even only for a little bit longer.
I need to disable that.

Check button setup settings ... on user interface settings.


best regards