OpenBH 0.6 Vu+ Solo2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ev0
  • Start date Start date
Feedback: Newest Open BH in Flash, VTI 11 in OMB, works fine, thank´s a lot !!
Due to recent changes in the OE-A git, we recommend you do not online update OBH 0.6, as it is likely to stop your box from booting.

If you wish to update, please make a backup of your image first, and then use the new full flash update files in the 1st post of this thread. You will then be able to online update in future.

Please also remember to make periodic full backups of your image, just incase there are any future issue's, as it is outside of our control what other developers commit to the OE-A git and the build process is automated, therefore we can only fix issues when they arise but we are unable to predict them.
After upgrading - can't find where to disable the animation?
same issue for me didnt have time to test it before work but try to change to default skin its oe skin see if option comes up then change back to the other skin
Put another skin Lacroma ver.2. The animation in the menu appeared - but inactive:(
I got animations to work again ... after on-line update ... I had animation sweeping across screen. then downloaded "animationsetup" (thanks @ yura 21) from Black Hole Feeds Plugin/sytempluguins and after restart my Animation Button was enabled (Lacroma V2 MX Skin) and i was able to choose the animation of my choice (Simple Fade).

thanks all :)
I got animations to work again ... after on-line update ... I had animation sweeping across screen. then downloaded "animationsetup" (thanks @ yura 21) from Black Hole Feeds Plugin/sytempluguins and after restart my Animation Button was enabled (Lacroma V2 MX Skin) and i was able to choose the animation of my choice (Simple Fade).

thanks all :)
You need install animationsetup from feed.
did it work

You do not need to download animation setup plugin. Some modifications have been made yesterday to this "SYSTEM PLUGIN", and should be available via "online update".

best regards
You do not need to download animation setup plugin. Some modifications have been made yesterday to this "SYSTEM PLUGIN", and should be available via "online update".
After update you can't see in the menu animation setup