OpenBH 4.1 Vu+ Solo2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ev0
  • Start date Start date
Blindscan plugin on Vu Solo 2 returns the results but the channels are greyed out with the message popping up regarding checking tuner configuration. Is anybody else facing the problem? Maybe I need to replace my satellites.xml file after upgrading to latest OBH 4.1 online update. Everything works fine if I use back ups of earlier version of image prior 0.17 release of 4.1 OBH image. The satellite is also changed after blindscanning e.g, instead of Asiasat 5, the returned channels show Astra as the satellite instead.
There are no server issues that I am aware of.

Try rebooting your box and then try and update again
reboot not help....
box starting update,, then go to update screen, and after few monents do reboot gui and update is not appiled.
my version is 012
First reboot box after this try made online update.
Somethimes when you try and server is offline, next try update no see files to update but this fix reboot box.

If no will be possible i think you will be mast install version from first post in this topic 0.018
i reinstall image, update work ok, but i have another problem with openmultiboot. When i install image like pkt hyperion then i see it in plugin menu, but when i install VTI then after install this image is not in list, but durring start i can select this image to boot....
its gift for vti ??? ;)
joke, image BH3.0.5 is also visible in plugin menu....only VTi is invisible.
Can anyone explain this phenomen ?
Yes, I can confirm that this behaviour appeared recently, whilst in the past I was able to see every images installed in OMB either in the menu after the reboot or in the list within the plugin.
VTi is seen in the OMB menu as Vuplus 3.0.0, by the way.
But, surely, @VANT, it's not a boycotting of VTi because running VTi from OMB it shows, in the plugin list... only the image in flash! In my case OBH 4.1, when I also have in OMB BH 305 and openAtv. So, it doesn't show itself, too. ;)
I suppose there is something new in OMB plugin which is causing this behaviour in the last updates.
The reason for it, is because OMB uses box branding to pick up the image names.

VTi also do not change the name of there image from the default used by Vu+, so the VTi image name is picked up as Vuplus 3.0.0, the same as the official Vu+ images.
I had supposed so but the "problem" (although is not so important) is that you can read it only at the boot (if the boot menu is enabled), not also within the plugin, running other images. So you can't choose to reboot directly with images that are not shown. You must reboot and wait the boot menu to appear and then choose.
As I said, is not a terrible issue but if there wasn't it'd be better ;)
The only way to fix the issue (that I am aware of) is to get VTi to update things there end, but they don't seem to want to do that
The only way to fix the issue (that I am aware of) is to get VTi to update things there end, but they don't seem to want to do that
name is not problem, becouse plugin have option to change this (Vuplus 3.0.0), the problem is that the installed image is not visible in plugin menu-under working image. This is bug for fix.
name we can change.

btw. where this name is stored ? maybe we can add this manually for now ?