OpenBH 4.1 Vu+ Solo2

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name is not problem, becouse plugin have option to change this (Vuplus 3.0.0), the problem is that the installed image is not visible in plugin menu-under working image. This is bug for fix.
name we can change.

btw. where this name is stored ? maybe we can add this manually for now ?
It’s all part of the box branding.

Just changing the name on it’s own doesn’t change anything, it’s linked to other things that OMB requires
I have Black hole in Flash and using OBH 4.1 with open multiboot, problem is, Webif not working good
it connect, but no stream and also no image capture. Any Advice to resolve it ?
This is a strange forum. The administrators do not care to reply queries of the members relating to the issue they face. Since updating online to OpenBh 4.1 (017) blindscan plugin returns the results alright but they are greyed out and the satellite also changes to Astra in the results of blindscan. What is the issue and how to rectify it?
Because the blindscan issue is one of the oldest ever treated here and elsewhere and if members had just a little bit of goodwill and googled for it, they would find tons of posts. Instead, everyone wants the food ready and does not care to loose 5 minutes to search anything. So, no answers for lazy people. The netiquette for every forums is to ask only AFTER a decent search, just not to have hundreds of posts about the same subject.
Are you certain you've done your blind scan correctly?
You aren't even running the latest Open Black Hole, mine is 4.1.021, and this isn't the latest.

Can you pease provide more detailed information, regarding your satellite set up, how you have your tuners configured, which Astra satellite you're referring to, Astra 1, 19.2E, Astra 2, 28.2E, Astra 3, 23.5E, etc, and which satellite you're trying to scan?
Are you certain you've done your blind scan correctly?
You aren't even running the latest Open Black Hole, mine is 4.1.021, and this isn't the latest.

Can you pease provide more detailed information, regarding your satellite set up, how you have your tuners configured, which Astra satellite you're referring to, Astra 1, 19.2E, Astra 2, 28.2E, Astra 3, 23.5E, etc, and which satellite you're trying to scan?
I am running 4.1.022 which is the latest. The Satellite name which is returned is Astra 19.2 E. I am using Tuner B currently as Tuner A has weakened a bit as far as reception of low signals is concerned.
Are you only connected to Tuner B, or are you using both tuners and have Tuner B set to preferred tuner status?

Do you have a motorized system fixed dish, with several LNB's, several dishes?
Which satellite are you trying to blind scan?
How have you got your tuners configured?
Are you only connected to Tuner B, or are you using both tuners and have Tuner B set to preferred tuner status?

Do you have a motorized system fixed dish, with several LNB's, several dishes?
Which satellite are you trying to blind scan?
How have you got your tuners configured?
Yes Tuner B is set as preferred tuner. I have motorized set up with four lnbs attached; C band as well as ku band lnbs. The behavior of the blindscan is the same on both set of lnbs. I have my own satellite.xml file saved in Dreambox Edit. Most importantly if I go back to previous versions of Open BlackHole like 4.1.012 everything is ok.
I also have Tuner B set as my preferred tuner, due to Tuner A being fed by a V-Box, unfortunately, when scanning weak signals, it defaults to Tuner A, and as my V-Box slightly lessens the signal quality, I have to physically remove the connection, to Tuner A, to guarantee Tuner B scans in the channels.

If 4.1.012 is working, for you, I would stick with that, until a fix can be found, or we get a new Open Black Hole version, probably when Kodi finally switches to version 18, from 17.6.
Can this version be installed in openmultiboot? if I have an earlier version of OBH installed in flash? thanks
After upgrading 4.1.018 to the latest version 4.1.026 I have a problem with displaying a "graphic bar" in the settings, exampel in Video Enhancement, Front Panel, Fan Control...
can anyone upload a screenshot of the settings of the Open webif configuration. cant make it work from outside the home network. my ports at router are open.
After upgrading 4.1.018 to the latest version 4.1.026 I have a problem with displaying a "graphic bar" in the settings, exampel in Video Enhancement, Front Panel, Fan Control...
Opkg upgrade