OpenBh 5.3.009 Enigma2 Crashlog

Ok. I installed it on an image not newly installed but without the previous version installed. During installation of the 5.2 it gave me a black screen and restarted the device but after reset the plugin was installed and functioning, I tried the download of the poster and it did, and now? Where are this posters supposed to be displayed? Che channel list, the info page, the epg? Which skin?

View attachment 4413


You have skins for xtraevent on image server

green button>>yellow>addons and Feeds Manager>>OpenBH Image skins>>DOWNLOAD xtraEvent skin

You can download skins with xtraEvent in name
xb skins support baners and xp skins support posters

After download and install skin you have to select skin in Skin Selection panel
Ok, got it working I think.
skin: BlackShadow X2P
plugin: XtraEvent 5.2

Plugin set to update in the bkgroud hourly with timer.


This is not the same skin on your shot
We are talking about MX-Slim-Line NP
default skin in OBH image.
I don't know where you have the image crash.
I finally found the problem from the epgtransator plugin in the openbh feeds Download it and try it With the EventView screen
I finally found the problem from the epgtransator plugin in the openbh feeds Download it and try it With the EventView screen
Plugin unknown to me.
I have no intention of testing and coding plugins and skins for them .
There are hundreds of them.
I have the same problem after the image update Duo 4K (image 5.3.009)
For example, the extra event plugin was previously installed
and worked without problems.
I deleted the plugin
re-installation is not possible, the image crashes when installing the ipk file
from the server.
The same happens with the manual installation of the plugin mentioned above

Which means the problem is most likely the installation of ipk files and not the plugin itself.
The error in the log is the same for both installations

948.1343> 21:24:05.4140 Traceback (most recent call last):
< 948.1343> 21:24:05.4140 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 70, in dataAvail
< 948.1347> 21:24:05.4144 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 128, in appendText
< 948.1349> 21:24:05.4146 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 118, in setText
< 948.1351> 21:24:05.4148 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 146, in lastPage
< 948.1353> 21:24:05.4150 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 153, in updateScrollbar
< 948.1355> 21:24:05.4152 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

< 948.1356> 21:24:05.4153 [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method Console.dataAvail of <class 'Screens.Console.Console'>>,...................

Please, take attention to pull request by s3no
which solves division by zero in

My short explanation:
problem appears 29.sep.2023 by commits resolving frozen scrollbar
behavior in OBH5.3.008: scrollbar was frozen at top
behavior in OBH5.3.009/.010 (after commits): scrollbar is moving down, but crashlog when text output reach bottom of window
behavior with s3no patch: no crashlog, scrollbar is functional is enigma2 component, probably it affects more plugins.

Changes:, line 225, def updateScrollbar(self):
old: start = (1000 - visible) * self.currentPosition // (self.totalTextHeight - self.pageHeight)
new: start = (1000 - visible) * self.currentPosition // ((self.totalTextHeight - self.pageHeight) or 1)
Last edited:
Please, take attention to pull request by s3no
which solves division by zero in

My short explanation:
problem appears 29.sep.2023 by commits resolving frozen scrollbar
behavior in OBH5.3.008: scrollbar was frozen at top
behavior in OBH5.3.009/.010 (after commits): scrollbar is moving down, but crashlog when text output reach bottom of window
behavior with s3no patch: no crashlog, scrollbar is functional is enigma2 component, probably it affects more plugins.

Changes:, line 225, def updateScrollbar(self):
old: start = (1000 - visible) * self.currentPosition // (self.totalTextHeight - self.pageHeight)
new: start = (1000 - visible) * self.currentPosition // ((self.totalTextHeight - self.pageHeight) or 1)
Attach file that works without problems 5.3.010
unpack from attached zip
copy to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/
remove existing file ScrollLabel.pyc
restart enigma
new file ScrollLabel.pyc created, now you can delete


unpack from attached zip
copy to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/
remove existing file ScrollLabel.pyc
restart enigma
new file ScrollLabel.pyc created, now you can delete
That helps.
unpack from attached zip
copy to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/
remove existing file ScrollLabel.pyc
restart enigma
new file ScrollLabel.pyc created, now you can delete

It works perfectly without any problems, please integrate it in the next official update.