Uclan 4k Pro without online image download?


Active member
Good evening friends, I have 2 Uclan 4K Pro box that have images of your Team, but through the net there is no Open BH to download, only through recovery via pen I managed to put the image, why does the server not have Open BH?
It's located in the Downloads link, top of the page, OpenBh 5.2:

After you click to download the image, you have to wait a few seconds, then you should see Download, in blue, you might have to close any pop up ads.
I must not have explained myself well, I asked because the Uclan 4k Pro boxes do not appear in the online multiboot to transfer the Open BH image and other teams appear eg. Open atv -Openpli, I have Octagon SF 8008 and it already appears, if the boxes are the same, just change the name not understand.I still tried via the multiboot-flashonline plugin, but images from Open BH nothing just from other teams.
Friend, I know where to download it, I wanted to put the Recovery or multiboot image directly through the box as I do with the Octagon because there is an image for Download there, Uclan does not have it, we have to go to the Open BH page to put it on a Pen and put it in the box, if the Team is official it doesn't make sense not to appear to the users of these boxes. Could you review this on the Uclan Ustym 4K twin/Combo Download server
Friend, I know where to download it, I wanted to put the Recovery or multiboot image directly through the box as I do with the Octagon because there is an image for Download there, Uclan does not have it, we have to go to the Open BH page to put it on a Pen and put it in the box, if the Team is official it doesn't make sense not to appear to the users of these boxes. Could you review this on the Uclan Ustym 4K twin/Combo Download server
Not at the moment.

Uclan do not reply to us, so for now we offer basic support only, this means you can not download from the recovery menu.
Ok friend, so it starts to make sense why not to show up, wait for better days. Thanks and Open BH always.
Hello friend you have to go download the image openbh-5.2.007.release-ustym4kpro-8a5e9edb_mmc.zip then put the complete Zip on a pen in Fat 32 , put the Pen in the side Usb turn off the box on the back press without releasing the front button and turn on the box on the back always with the button pressed until Updat appears on the display, then let go of the button, then go to the Usb multiboot and install the images in the partition you want, I hope I helped.
During installation did you complete the set up process, including setting up your tuners and scanning in channels?
What happens when you press the menu button?
Supposedly the installation is complete, but I don't see this image to choose from in the startup selection menu. The folder with the image is created on the flash drive from which the image is installed.
If you have installed it on the flash then it should boot up.
I assume that you have other images, stored on a USB stick, or other device, try removing that then booting up.
Did you manage to set everything up, during the installation process, or didn't it get that far?
Well, I have a different image, but startup4 is free and wants to install there. You can't configure anything because it's not visible at all after installation
Are you trying to load the image in your receivers flash memory, or use it in multiboot?
What is startup4?
OpenBh has a muliboot setup option, allowing you to use other images, on 4K receivers.
I think the friend is making some confusion about the type of image he wants , if you want to put it in Multiboot it is the image I indicated above , if you want to put it in Recovery mode it is another image just go to the Download section and see the brand box and type of image you want.
I want to have the image in the memory of the tuner. I tried with two installation files and none of them installed
The file you need is the first up, the _mmc.zip.
Do not decompress it, just put the zipped file in the memory stick and start the installation procedure.

04-06-2023 14-55-59.jpg

The second file (_emmc.zip) is for flashing in the first slot and should be decompressed before using it but, keep in mind, this second procedure will delete every other slot you have installed and your decoder will be ex-novo with just the first slot installed if it succeds.
Because from what I understand now he wants to put the recovery, if he says he wants it in the memory (flash), then it's like the user B.D says you have to unzip the files of this image openbh-5.2.007.release-ustym4kpro-8a5e9edb_recovery_emmc. zip put it in the root of the PEN, put it in the USB port of the box and install.