Unicable Problem OpenBh 5.2.007

Try this file:

In telnet first login.

init 2
press enter

Then send the file to /etc/enigma2 and replace the original.

Then in telnet:
 init 3


have test not work!!!!
if start recording to astra not can see channel to Hotbird only can see channel to astra.
I've no idea what the issue is then, as I have set it using the settings from the OpenBh 5.1 settings file, which you said worked.

Nothing to do with tuners has changed between 5.1 and 5.2.
I also don't know where the problem is, what I know with 5.2 it doesn't work.

Can you please post a screen shot of:

AboutScreen Info.

Then describe clearly your equipment ...

Sat Antennas


Just one box connected or not?

best regards
Hello Mister Nunigaia.

My satellite system has always been the same for 15 years and as I have already written, the openblackhole 5.2 works, not all others before 5.2 work perfectly

Have 2 Quattro LNB Astra/Hotbird (ALPS)
Multiswitch Bauckhage 9016 BMS NT Multischalter 9/16 4K
Spaun SUS 21 FX

The Spaun is connect to multischalter
and a cable goes into my Vu+duo4k single-cable solution use frenquenz Tuner A 1178 for Tuner B 1076 (connect with Tuner A )

This config use alle Openblackhole Image 4.4-5.0-5.1 and work .

Thanks !!!!


scusate se uso translator...

non so se può servire,la mia configurazione con un lnb scr e uno NON scr

I don't know if it can help, my configuration with a scr lnb and a NOT scr

provo ad inviare le mie foto di configurazione,prese da obh4,quando sono passato alla 5,le ho rifatte identiche,tenete conto che su lnb 1 hotbird ho messo un lnb digiquest scr LNB DCSS unicable 16 e su lnb 2 astra ho un lnb inverto NON SCR, in uscita dai 2 lnb i cavi entrano in switch diseqc

sorry if i use translator... I try to send my configuration photos, taken from obh4, when I switched to 5, I made them identical, keep in mind that on lnb 1 hotbird I put a digiquest scr lnb LNB DCSS unicable 16 and on lnb 2 astra I have an inverted lnb NON SCR, outgoing from the 2 lnb the cables enter the diseqc switch

I try to insert configuration photo gallery

config lnb

ciao a tutti
Hi everyone
forse è meglio se inserisco le foto direttamente sul forum

maybe it's better if I post the photos directly on the forum


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Hello exsat2 Thanks For The Picture.
I Think The Problem ist not My Settings but use other image (not oph this work ) use from openblackhole version 4.4/5.0/5.1 this work !!!
ho letto,pensavo potesse essere utile ugualmente,qualche un piccolo poco visibile potrebbe causare problemi,non credo sia il tuo caso visto appunto che il problema con altre versioni di obh non succede

I read, I thought it could be useful anyway, some little invisible could cause problems, I don't think it's your case since the problem with other versions of obh does not happen

buona domenica

Happy Sunday
scusate se uso translator...

non so se può servire,la mia configurazione con un lnb scr e uno NON scr

I don't know if it can help, my configuration with a scr lnb and a NOT scr

provo ad inviare le mie foto di configurazione,prese da obh4,quando sono passato alla 5,le ho rifatte identiche,tenete conto che su lnb 1 hotbird ho messo un lnb digiquest scr LNB DCSS unicable 16 e su lnb 2 astra ho un lnb inverto NON SCR, in uscita dai 2 lnb i cavi entrano in switch diseqc

sorry if i use translator... I try to send my configuration photos, taken from obh4, when I switched to 5, I made them identical, keep in mind that on lnb 1 hotbird I put a digiquest scr lnb LNB DCSS unicable 16 and on lnb 2 astra I have an inverted lnb NON SCR, outgoing from the 2 lnb the cables enter the diseqc switch

I try to insert configuration photo gallery

config lnb

ciao a tutti
Hi everyone
Perchè non hai configurato il tuner B? E come hai configurato Astra?

Why didn't you configure tuner B? And how did you configure Astra?
scusa,sono vecchie foto,non avevo ancora configurato il secondo lnb perchè NON essendo SCR era semplice da configurare,il problema erano i tuner virtuali

sorry, they are old photos, I hadn't configured the second lnb yet because NOT being SCR it was easy to configure, the problem was the virtual tuners
mi ero dimenticato...il tuner 2 risulta inutilizzato...posto le foto e capirete...i 2 lnb utilizzando lo switch é come se fossero un unico lnb se così si può dire

I forgot ... the tuner 2 is unused ... post the photos and you will understand ... the 2 lnb using the switch is as if they were a single lnb if you can say so

unico fastidio é che passando da canali hotbird ad astra e viceversa si ha un messaggio di sintonia fallita...ma dopo 2 secondi il canale si apre...
chiaramente se registro su hotbird non lo posso fare su astra e viceversa...
ma su astra non guardo praticamente nulla

the only annoyance is that going from hotbird to astra channels and vice versa you get a tuning failed message ... but after 2 seconds the channel opens ...

clearly if I register on hotbird I can't do it on astra and vice versa...
but on astra I don't watch practically anything



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tutto questo perche' mi arriva un solo cavo da antenna,e non posso aggiungere il secondo

all this because I only get one antenna cable, and I can't add the second
this problem gives me no rest....

I also installed openpli 8.3 and have the same problem.
I wrote this in the forum that openpli and OBH have this problem.
I can set Unicable-Matrix with openATV with OBH and OpenPLI not
a user says that's the problem and gave me a patch
you could include that too if possible



this problem gives me no rest....

I also installed openpli 8.3 and have the same problem.
I wrote this in the forum that openpli and OBH have this problem.
I can set Unicable-Matrix with openATV with OBH and OpenPLI not
a user says that's the problem and gave me a patch
you could include that too if possible

Ok will be included in the next build (whenever that is).