I have now connected up my Duo4K and can confirm with OpenBh 4.4 in flash, Wi-fi did not work, also did not work with OpenBh 5.0 in omb.
Both images show unknown wireless interface.
Reflashed and booted with no usb sticks connected and wi-fi working.
Mounted usb stick and rebooted, now it shows unknown wireless interface.
So we have now ruled out it being a python issue (2 or 3).
Next I reflashed (image manager) with ATV 7.1 leaving the usb stick connected.
Set the image up, and there is no option to setup wi-fi.
Removed the usb stick and rebooted, then the wi-fi option is available and working.
Reflashed to OpenBh 5 and it's the same, wi-fi works if no usb is connected, doesn't work after connecting a usb.
I tried
@Seagen's suggestion of using a usb hub, it did work twice, but then stopped working again.
It's not an Obh issue, and it's mentioned above that the same thing happens when BH is in flash, rules it out being an OE-A issue.
Therefore it's a driver issue or chipset issue, but as Vu+ have done nothing at all in the last 10+ months, I wouldn't hold your breath expecting a fix anytime soon (hopefully i'm wrong, but I seriously doubt it).