HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

I made a simple image selector for older images
this time for
VTI 15.0.x and Pure2 6.5
Just two files in my zip for VTI 15.0.x and two files in my zip for Pure2 6.5
You will not get the names of the images, only the Slot numbers 1.2.3,4,5,6,7,8 and the Recovery image.
Copy menu.xml to /usr/share/enigma2/
(make a backup of the old one just in case)
and copy RecoveryStart.pyo to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/
Do not forget
Restart enigma2
Now you have in Standby/restart Menu ,image/slot selector for 8 slots/images.
The same for OpenBlackHole 4.4 and Black Hole 3.1.0


How to install flash and other new py3 images
(For Egami10.3 you can use the same method/Multiboot file as for OpenATV)

View attachment 3727

View attachment 3728

View attachment 3729

for these images you have a solution on multiboot to make them work.
Opennfr 7.0, Teambleu 7.2, Openhdf 7.3, Opendroid 7.3
if you want a specific file i take it from the decoder
I'm using open bh 5.3, when I return to recovry mode, it gets stuck on this image, I couldn't understand why?


  • f77af43c-b606-440b-ad00-3393d5a15e03.jpg
    228.9 KB · Views: 35
cihaz vu dou4k se
So the enigma2 on recovery image doesn't start?

You could connect to the box with FTP and download the latest enigma2 logs from /home/root/logs/ directory and try to read it.. maybe it can give an answer about the issue
menu screen did not appear, all keys are off. I installed the software again, when I try the recovery mode it stays on the picture above
So the enigma2 on recovery image doesn't start?

You could connect to the box with FTP and download the latest enigma2 logs from /home/root/logs/ directory and try to read it.. maybe it can give an answer about the issue
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I think you download the wrong file... You should find something enigma2.....log
Through the great success achieved by the OBH team in developing a wonderful addition that was not provided by the manufacturer of VU+ devices, and you excelled in presenting it in a practical and wonderful way that now corresponds mostly to all the images and Now all the other image teams copied.
what you offer again that reaches the horizons prompted me to this seemingly naive question
Is it possible one day to have a dual boot Android operating system alongside the Enigma, similar to other devices that have this available
Through the great success achieved by the OBH team in developing a wonderful addition that was not provided by the manufacturer of VU+ devices, and you excelled in presenting it in a practical and wonderful way that now corresponds mostly to all the images and Now all the other image teams copied.
what you offer again that reaches the horizons prompted me to this seemingly naive question
Is it possible one day to have a dual boot Android operating system alongside the Enigma, similar to other devices that have this available
In the past I was able to get android running on vuuno4kse. But it was far to be a working android. Netflix and prime due to missing certificates runs at low resolution. Finally since the SDK for android was leaked from somewhere there could be license issue. Then getting the same working on the other box were time consuming, so I stopped the project.
I tried also other innovative approach but drivers stopped me.