Network/VPN Issues with 5.1


Active member
Hi all,
Recently uploaded 5.1.001 for the Ultimo 4K ... all appeared fine except for OpenVPN which simply wouldn't start??

Also I couldn't Save DNS settings in the Network Wizard?

So "downgraded" back to 5.0.0013 all working fine as it was before 5.1.001

I assume these issues have already been identified and are being worked on?

I tried all yesterday but is imply refused to Start ... it showed Running briefly then went bacj to Stopped!!??

Also couldn't Edit DNS settings??

Weird as 5.0.013 woking fine!!
How are you using it, are you using the inbuilt openvpn or a 3rd party plugin ?

Which vpn provider ?
ok try running it from telnet, kinda hard to try and help with zero info (not your fault I know).
Can you remind me of Telnet commands and I'll try that!

Cheers EVO for help ... but never had Network/VPN issues with ANY previous versions of OBH
cd /etc/init.d

Then ./openvpn start and ./openvpn stop (if you want to stop it again).

Or ./openvpn restart to restart it when it's already running.
As i said in another thread it doesn't work un SF8008 too with OBH5.1 and it works well with 5.0. same as for Nitemare.
Tried those telnet strings you suggested and it returns the following:
root@sf8008:/etc/init.d# ./openvpn start
Starting openvpn: vpnbook-de4-tcp80.

but then "IP checker" tells me my IP hasn't changed.

In the OpenVPN Panel there is no way to start it.

11-05-2022 18-04-42.png

This following is from OBH5.0

11-05-2022 18-10-13.png
Ok I don't know if this will change anything.

But try replacing the file in /etc/ssl with the one attached (unzip it first) and backup your original.

Then reboot the box.


Ok I don't know if this will change anything.

But try replacing the file in /etc/ssl with the one attached (unzip it first) and backup your original.

Then reboot the box.
Now it works, thanks, you're great :D(y)
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Installed the above file provided by Ev0 and hey presto both the Network (DNS editing) AND OpenVpn issues are resolved successfiully!! (y) :)

So now on OBH 5.1.001 :giggle:

Thank-you Ev0 (y)(y)
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Hi again!
Updated to 5.2 this afternoon and yet again same problem with OpenVPN not starting!?? I still have the file as above but it doesn't seem to help this time??