OpenBh 5.0

To be honest i don't use that plugin beacose i'ts not what it used to be
Needs lot of work to do there
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how should I mount my ssd card for OBH, as /media/usb or media/hdd? Is there any difference? And my second question is, what Swap File Size should I set for 16GB ssd Card?
I know these are the basic questions, however could you give me the answers? As U see I use sf8008 device. BTW, you're a great team guys.
It makes no difference if you set it as /media/usb or /media/hdd, either will work fine, you just need to change the recordings and timeshift settings to match (they default to /media/hdd).

No swap file should be needed if you are using an ARM (4K) box.
Then you will need to login with telnet or ssh.

Use the command init 2 press enter

Then enigma2, press enter

Then watch the bootup sequence and see why it fails to boot.
I can't workout from the screenshots what is causing the issue.

You can try installing this file, but not sure it will help in this case.

