Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

If you are already using multiboot then it won't make any difference to you and you don't need to update anything, just flash 5.4 to any slot you want (except recovery).

The automated process is only for initial setup, so the only time you would see it is if you replaced the recovery image, which would mean you loose the currently installed images in slots 1,2,3
After updating one of the images (OpenPli 9) installed in Multiboot (USB slot), I get an error after rebooting
<   753.193665> 05:12:16.4815 Traceback (most recent call last):
<   753.193917> 05:12:16.4817   File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 439, in <module>
<   753.194870> 05:12:16.4827     from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo  # noqa: E402  don't move this import
<   753.195400> 05:12:16.4832     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<   753.195543> 05:12:16.4833   File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 176, in <module>
<   753.195885> 05:12:16.4837   File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 97, in getMultibootslots
<   753.196328> 05:12:16.4841     bootArgs = open("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs", "r").read()
<   753.196885> 05:12:16.4847                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<   753.197089> 05:12:16.4849 FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs'
When updating OpenPli9, there was a kernel update... The file specified in the traceback is missing, that's why the error. I looked at the source code of and it does not provide a "try/except" construct if the file is missing...

Is there any way to get out of this situation without reinstalling the image?
After updating one of the images (OpenPli 9) installed in Multiboot (USB slot), I get an error after rebooting
<   753.193665> 05:12:16.4815 Traceback (most recent call last):
<   753.193917> 05:12:16.4817   File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 439, in <module>
<   753.194870> 05:12:16.4827     from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo  # noqa: E402  don't move this import
<   753.195400> 05:12:16.4832     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<   753.195543> 05:12:16.4833   File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 176, in <module>
<   753.195885> 05:12:16.4837   File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 97, in getMultibootslots
<   753.196328> 05:12:16.4841     bootArgs = open("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs", "r").read()
<   753.196885> 05:12:16.4847                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<   753.197089> 05:12:16.4849 FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs'
When updating OpenPli9, there was a kernel update... The file specified in the traceback is missing, that's why the error. I looked at the source code of and it does not provide a "try/except" construct if the file is missing...

Is there any way to get out of this situation without reinstalling the image?
This log come from slot0 image?
Probably you have startup files without multiboot kernel.

Take a backup of your STARTUP* file in / and reboot reinstall multiboot then restore your startup files.
Take a backup of your STARTUP* file in / and reboot reinstall multiboot then restore your startup files.
That's exactly what I did... it's not a problem =)... The question was why this situation occurred... I simply updated one of the images installed in Multiboot..
The current version of multiboot doesn't implement the protection of running kernel.
It was planned but not implemented yet.
When the multiboot was released we followed other important issues. Now is time to look into kernel update protection.
Experiment "Neutrino on kexec-multiboot" successful:
I have from Neutrino-Image ni420-202406221218-arm-vuuno4kse.tgz the files kernel_auto.bin and rootfs.tar.bz2 zipped in a flashable .zip-file for enigma2 (vuplus/uno4kse).
Then I have flashed it in kexec-multiboot to slot11 of my installation.
And yes, it boots in Neutrino. I have made tuner configuration (FBC/unicable/Jess2), it works.
For a quick look at Neutrino, that was enough for me. Naturally I stay with Enigma2.

Return to recovery as usual with STARTUP_RECOVERY on USB stick.
Bad news, I'm so sorry.
Unfortunately, the vu+ uno HD internal flash is very small. How do I install software on the internal flash that is larger than the size that can be installed on the internal flash?
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Bad news, I'm so sorry.
Unfortunately, the vu+ uno HD internal flash is very small. How do I install software on the internal flash that is larger than the size that can be installed on the internal flash?
This is the reason we no longer support this box (or the solo & duo).

The flash is too small and it's too much work to make a current image fit and still be usable, too much has to be removed just to get the image small enough to fit and even then there isn't enough space to actually install any plugins, softcams and sometimes even a channel list, it's a shame, but these boxes are 14 years old now.
I would like to ask if it is possible to install the kexec multiboot without creating the slots in recovery?
Or is it possible to ensure that the slots created in 1.2.3 can be deleted from the multiboot screen and leave only those created on USB?!!

Vorrei chiedere se possibile installare il multiboot kexec senza creare gli slot in recovery?
Oppure se e possibile far si che gli slot creati 1.2.3 si possono eliminare dal schermata multiboot e lasciare solo quelle create su usb?!!
Or is it possible to ensure that the slots created in 1.2.3 can be deleted from the multiboot screen and leave only those created on USB?!!

Oppure se e possibile far si che gli slot creati 1.2.3 si possono eliminare dal schermata multiboot e lasciare solo quelle create su usb?!!
Why do you want to do this ?

It can be done, but I don't understand your reason for wanting too.