You ?Who has the Octagon SF8008 ?
You ?Who has the Octagon SF8008 ?
I got sf 8008 miniWho has the Octagon SF8008 ?
Pulse 4k
Well it's not a right place... What can you tell about this model? It seems that it supports Android... Netflix 4K will endure?
Looking forward to adding support for adding Zgemmazgemma h9twin unofficial firmware has been supported for a long time, the software is very mature, just add support
Zgemma h9twin is a relatively good box with multiple build firmwares. I think the best is OpenBh.
OpenBH (22-12-2021)
openbh-5.0.005.release-zgemmah9twin_mmc with Official Feed
AlexWilMac, your understanding is wrong, LUCY hao said the copy firmware cloned by other masters, and it feels good to use. I hope openbh officially supports zgemma for a better experienceThese are all fakes OBH! At the moment, as you should have already read in this thread, there is only OBH for VU+ and now Logan announced the support to Octagon SF8008.
So, don't make users of this forum confused with those fakes OBH. They are the result of stealing other people work.
Master Logan thank you againWe are in touch with Zgemma and we are waiting for samples. We will support only images we can test and work around.
About Edison we will contact soon to ask for samples to work to an official support.
Well it's not a right place... What can you tell about this model? It seems that it supports Android... Netflix 4K will endure?
Just joined, here's another Octagon SF8008 userWho has the Octagon SF8008 ?