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  1. AlexWilMac

    Fallback connection as a client impossible between 5.1 and 5.x?

    I had a Zero4K equipped by 4.4 easily configured to act as client in fallback configuration from the Ultimo 4K (equipped by 5.1.008). Now I tried to use also a Solo4K's tuners connected to the Ultimo4K in fallback mode. The Solo4K has got in flash a clean install of 5.1.008. Well: trying the...
  2. AlexWilMac

    IMDB makes image stuck because of a skin element missing?

    At the moment the only other box of mine equipped by 5.1 is the Solo4K, where I can't immediately try the issue for other reasons... I'll do, as soon as possible, a different try: I'll flash by a previous backup and test there.
  3. AlexWilMac

    IMDB makes image stuck because of a skin element missing?

    Openwebif??? We are talking about IMDB: did you mean IMDB?
  4. AlexWilMac

    Scaricare le release

    Per quale box?
  5. AlexWilMac

    IMDB makes image stuck because of a skin element missing?

    Yes, I did even more: 1) I uninstalled IMDB and reinstalled it. 2) I tried another MX skin (HQ9W). 3) I tried also the Emergency one (where you can't even read the searching result, but this doesn't matter), but I always get stuck. Can anyone do the same try with this plugin? Otherwise it must...
  6. AlexWilMac

    Scaricare le release

    No: ti consiglio di salvartele man mano che escono. Se, però, mi dici quale ti serve... Se è per rimettere la 005 per il problema FTP, faresti una sciocchezza, comunque: ti ho già risposto nell'altro thread al proposito.
  7. AlexWilMac

    FTP che da servizi non si attiva

    L'immagine è in flash o in OMB? Se è in flash potresti provare a riflashare solo il kernel ma non è detto che si aggiusti. Non devi rimettere la 005, semmai devi riflashare e ricaricare il backup delle impostazioni.
  8. AlexWilMac

    IMDB makes image stuck because of a skin element missing?

    Usually, we know that plugins' issue need to be reported to plugins' authours but it seems that the issue I'm having is related to a missing element on the skin, based on the debug log. This is the issue: all of a sudden, without any new image updates (5.1.008 was updated in my Ultimo4K on 1st...
  9. AlexWilMac

    Multiple files selection doesn't play all files and...

    I recently found out that also by the standard REC list you can select multiple files by pressing '0', although is a function I found also present at least since OBH 4.4 (where you can't see any symbol mark near the selected files, though). The fact is that, yes, you can select multiple files...
  10. AlexWilMac

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Because you did not look at the concerning thread in the specific section:
  11. AlexWilMac

    plugins cant be installed

    In the OpenBH green panel, of course: if a plugin is there, that's the image's feeds, it is compatible; if you download plugins around the web you can't know if they are Py2 or Py3 and compatible.
  12. AlexWilMac

    Skin Installation problem

    Of course you had this crashes: you decided to install a generic skin from OpenBH feed section and installed this ValiHd skin. You should have installed only the skins for OBH under the specific section "OpenBH image skins". It is there for a reason. The other ones are not designed specifically...
  13. AlexWilMac

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Maybe you customised the "Long power" key pressing. I confirm what Ev0 wrote: no change in the function.
  14. AlexWilMac

    data e ora sbagliati

    Molto strano: con la connessione Internet l'ora viene presa subito. Prova questo server: Oppure, metti Rai1HD sulla 1° posizione, casomai già non ci fosse, e imposta l'orario per essere preso dal transponder. Però, io sono anni che non uso i transponder, da quando da BH sono...
  15. AlexWilMac


    Strange: I have three boxes with scheduled daily backups (of both kind) performed on a NAS.
  16. AlexWilMac


    It's not clear: you want to save FullBackups (or personal backups) on a different device? If this is your question, yes, of course: you can use whatever device already mapped, locally or within the network. I use a NAS, for instance.
  17. AlexWilMac


    Worst for them, not for us. But VU+ boxes are the best and I bet they are the most spread, despite of their price. After all, all the other ones resemble like my 2001 Humax5400, without even a whatever LCD display. So, new or used, VU+ boxes will remain my first choice and I hope OBH team, of...
  18. AlexWilMac

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Turkish is not English.
  19. AlexWilMac

    Epg color font

    You can always become a skin designer, though, and decide your colours. Or you can learn how to edit a skin, but it's dangerous: a wrong line in the skin may produce an image impossible to boot and you'll need to delete its folder by FTP.
  20. AlexWilMac

    Multiboot che non mi funziona su V+solo2

    Qui c'è un bel po' di confusione: e perché mai l'immagine in flash non dovrebbe poter essere aggiornabile online se vale anche per quelle in OMB? E perché mai reinstallare OMB? Forse non è chiaro quel che ho scritto: il plugin funziona solo ed esclusivamente grazie all'immagine in flash: se...