HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

I made a simple image selector for older images
this time for
VTI 15.0.x and Pure2 6.5
Just two files in my zip for VTI 15.0.x and two files in my zip for Pure2 6.5
You will not get the names of the images, only the Slot numbers 1.2.3,4,5,6,7,8 and the Recovery image.
Copy menu.xml to /usr/share/enigma2/
(make a backup of the old one just in case)
and copy RecoveryStart.pyo to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/
Do not forget
Restart enigma2
Now you have in Standby/restart Menu ,image/slot selector for 8 slots/images.
The same for OpenBlackHole 4.4 and Black Hole 3.1.0


How to install flash and other new py3 images
(For Egami10.3 you can use the same method/Multiboot file as for OpenATV)





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installed in vu+ uno4k in few minutes and running perfectly:
1. obh 5.2
2. openatv 7.2
3. openpli 8.3
recovery mode

thx a lot oft!
VU+Solo4K installed and running images

Installs but stays on boot

View attachment 3732

You probably meant Pli image, which means you didn't read the instructions for Pli image.

I made a simple image selector for older images
this time for
VTI 15.0.x and Pure2 6.5
Just two files in my zip for VTI 15.0.x and two files in my zip for Pure2 6.5
You will not get the names of the images, only the Slot numbers 1.2.3,4,5,6,7,8 and the Recovery image.
Copy menu.xml to /usr/share/enigma2/
(make a backup of the old one just in case)
and copy RecoveryStart.pyo to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/
Do not forget
Restart enigma2
Now you have in Standby/restart Menu ,image/slot selector for 8 slots/images.
The same for OpenBlackHole 4.4 and Black Hole 3.1.0


How to install flash and other new py3 images


View attachment 3727

View attachment 3728

View attachment 3729

thanks bro
The egami10.3rx image has been modified to the same addition to the open atv image. Are there any additions to the rest of the images?
I have 2 box uno4kse & duo4kse
for openatv 6.4 woking good, multiboot image selector on uno4kse exist. but no selector on duo4kse
con you advice
I made a simple image selector for older images
this time for
VTI 15.0.x and Pure2 6.5
Just two files in my zip for VTI 15.0.x and two files in my zip for Pure2 6.5
You will not get the names of the images, only the Slot numbers 1.2.3,4,5,6,7,8 and the Recovery image.
Copy menu.xml to /usr/share/enigma2/
(make a backup of the old one just in case)
and copy RecoveryStart.pyo to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/
Do not forget
Restart enigma2
Now you have in Standby/restart Menu ,image/slot selector for 8 slots/images.
The same for OpenBlackHole 4.4 and Black Hole 3.1.0


How to install flash and other new py3 images
(For Egami10.3 you can use the same method/Multiboot file as for OpenATV)

View attachment 3727

View attachment 3728

View attachment 3729
The names of the images did not appear
The names of the images did not appear
View attachment 3734View attachment 3735

In order for image names to appear, you must change the name in menu.xml instead of Start image slot 1, write Start image and then the image name.

<item weight="0" level="0" text="Start image OpenBh 5.2" entryID="start1">
from Screens.RecoveryStart import RecoveryStart
def msgClosed(ret):
if ret:
from os import system, _exit
system("cp /boot/STARTUP_1 /boot/STARTUP")
self.session.openWithCallback(msgClosed, RecoveryStart)


  • 1_0_1_3E9_F01_22B0_EEEE0000_0_0_0_20230307051917.jpg
    249.7 KB · Views: 46
What is written in my information text ?
In order for image names to appear, you must change the name in menu.xml instead of Start image slot 1, write Start image and then the image name.

<item weight="0" level="0" text="Start image OpenBh 5.2" entryID="start1">
from Screens.RecoveryStart import RecoveryStart
def msgClosed(ret):
if ret:
from os import system, _exit
system("cp /boot/STARTUP_1 /boot/STARTUP")
self.session.openWithCallback(msgClosed, RecoveryStart)
Wasn't this done automatically, as in the rest of the pictures
Wasn't this done automatically, as in the rest of the pictures
It's not done automatically, those teams have to go in their image for it to show automatically, but that's why Matrix10 made a simple image selector by slots for images that don't show Multiboot image selector
Is there any workaround for use internal ssd to install and use images?

For sure, it will work.

Make 2 partitions on your SSD, where one is mapped to handle recordings (for example):


and other mapped as:


to handle the images for multiboot purposes ( working like an USB device ( pen )), as also "picons" or anything you want to handle there!

best regards


Not tested, but it should work! ;) In any case, it is more simple to remove an USB device if something was wrong, then remove an Internal SSD HDD, if needed!
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Thank you, but this doesn't work. I already have a 32GB partition on SSD formatted as ext4 and mounted as /media/usb, but it is not possible to use it for multiboot. I have to put in an usb pen. I know that the usb pen is more manageable then an internal SSD, but it's much faster in all operations...
Yes, me too. It didn't work for me. We hope to find a solution to that with Hard hdd&ssd
There is a solution, remove all usb, go to slot 0-RecoveryStart, after that do the initialization ssd disk and the possibility to add slots from 4 to 7 will appear, after that there will be no more possibility to add slots, but you can add it manually in the receiver slot 8 and so on further.
Tested to work